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Falwell and Me
By Jeff Cohen

It was fitting to see so much gushing on TV news about Rev. Jerry Falwell
in the hours after his death. He and TV news held the same things sacred:
fame, soundbites and uninformed fear-mongering.

At the beginning of his rise 25 years ago, it was mainstream media
complicity and gullibility that helped build Falwell's Moral Majority and
the myth of its clout. As documented in Tina Rosenberg's 1982 Washington
Monthly piece, "How the Media Made the Moral Majority," Team Falwell
repeatedly violated the Ninth Commandment by misleading journalists about
their numbers and power.

Despite hundreds of outlandishly inaccurate, uninformed and bigoted
comments over
the years (not just the three you may have heard last night), Falwell
remained a respected fixture in TV news. The TV producer's friend - he
didn't need to know much about a topic to say yes to the invitation.

In FAIR's exhaustive study of ABC Nightline's guest list during the
mid-1980s, Falwell was one of the show's most frequent guests; he offered
his expertise about homosexuality on one episode, and about AIDS on
another. (Falwell saw AIDS as a holy punishment of gays, and once asked
why people with AIDS were not quarantined like infected cattle.)

My only direct experiences with Falwell were fittingly with Falwell, the
TV pundit. We did battle via TV studios, his natural habitat. As a paid
pundit at MSNBC in 2002, I had colorful on-air debates with Falwell
(described in my book, "Cable News Confidential").

When I debated Falwell in 2002 on whether to invade Iraq, he pointed his
pudgy finger at Saddam Hussein as having been involved in the 9/11
attacks. Falwell was a Republican team player - blaming 9/11 on Saddam was
now more important than blaming it on feminists, gays and the ACLU, as
he'd done on September 13.

During another MSNBC debate we had on the separation of church and state,
Falwell was in fine form and in love with his own voice: "Much of public
education today," he intoned, "is designed to create an atheistic society
that totally repudiates our religious heritage. This is a nation under

Near the end of the debate, I restated a point I'd opened with that
Falwell had not answered: "Rev. Falwell, if we are a nation under God,
it's interesting that the founders of our Constitution, our framers,
didn't even put the word [God] in the Constitution. That was by design."

"You haven't read it very clearly," Falwell responded. "Let me correct you
on that. The Constitution is dated 1787 in the year - of - our - Lord."

He slowed down to enunciate each precious word, considering it a "gotcha"
moment. Falwell and I were on a split screen; as he sternly pointed his
finger at me, I shook my head, face in my hands, in disbelief.

The debate closed with Falwell continuing to a big finale: "The separation
of church and state is a myth," declared the preacher, "like global

We were now on split-screen - with me laughing at the ignorance I'd just
heard. Falwell appeared very self-satisfied over his
pro-God/anti-environment twofer.

For years after, the factually-challenged Reverend continued as a TV
pundit. By contrast, I was silenced for political reasons as the Iraq war
neared. With the media cheerleading for war, the last thing TV news wanted
was sober and accurate caution about the impact of an Iraq invasion. TV
prefers the Falwells and Ann Coulters and Frank Gaffneys.

Instead of so much gushing about how Falwell had involved "values voters"
in our democracy, it would be nice to see some introspection from TV news
about its own role in foisting factually-challenged rightwing bigots on
the American public to the near-exclusion of informed, progressive voices.

* *

Jeff Cohen is founder of the media watch group
FAIR, former TV pundit/producer, and author
of "Cable News Confidential: My Misadventures in Corporate Media."

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