Dear Sir/Mam/Team

I am new Php developer and like php for web development so please solve the
quires as before as possible. Thanks

I am developing a software for the client who wants to be web based
application for serial port communication of there X device from com port.
like first we sselect the com port then send the request to that com port
then the device send the response to com port and i read that and retrive
to the browser.

I have one query about serial communication in php from lots of R&D we got
direct I/O function and download it
1. Os: Windows 10
2. xampp 7.1.9 php
4.php_dio_dll and add this to php.ini file

follow this link:

and start testing it cant load the dio package and there is no any support
found for this.
therefore i kindly requested to you please provide the support for the

Thanks & Regards

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