Gary F wrote:

". . . firstness, secondness and thirdness are          (6231-1)
elements of every phenomenon as Peirce put it,
. . . . "

This is also how I understood firstness, secondness, and thirdness based
on my brief readings of Peirce's originals and secondary sources.  In
other words, I believe Peirce said somewhere that

"Firstness, Secondness and Thirdness are the             (6231-2)
different aspects of a phenomenon that the human
mind prescind for the convenience of thought."

With all the best.


> John, list,
> I agree that no phenomenon can be a "pure first", but for the reason that
> firstness, secondness and thirdness are elements of every phenomenon (or
> as
> Peirce put it, of the phaneron). However I disagree with your belief that
> "we infer the existence of firsts from a theory of signs." On the
> contrary,
> since a sign is a kind of phenomenon, a theory of signs has to be grounded
> in phaneroscopy, in order to account for the possibility of semiosis.
> Peirce
> himself did not fully realize this until 1902, but his subsequent
> definitions of "sign" all involve the three elements of the phaneron,
> either
> explicitly or implicitly. On this point I disagree not only with you but
> also with Joe Ransdell, and I gave my reasons in the Ransdell issue of
> Transactions, so I won't elaborate on them here. The fact that Firstness,
> Secondness and Thirdness are extremely abstract concepts does not imply
> that
> we infer them from a theory of signs, and does not preclude them being
> elements of direct experience, as Peirce said that they were. And this
> makes
> a big difference in the way we read Peirce's logic and semiotic, which
> does
> indeed apply to "dumb animals" as well as to words.
> gary f.
> From: John Collier []
> Sent: 3-Aug-14 1:40 PM
> To: Peirce List
> Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] [biosemiotics:6231] Re: biosemiotics is the basis
> for
> Stephen,
> It seems to me if you are aware of something as distinct from something
> else, irrespective of if you put a word to it, then it is not a pure
> first.
> If you are not aware of it as distinct from something else, I question
> whether you can be aware of it. In other words,%2
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