Supplement: There is a logical fallacy in my text: If the universe has a superstructure (logic), it cannot be the biggest possible system. Ok, so it is not.
Hi Jon, List,
Instead of "embodied in systems", I think, logic is embodied in the biggest possible system, the universe, as a part of its thirdness (structure, continuum). Other aspects of this thirdness, I would say, are natural laws and constants. For subsystems like organisms or social systems, it is also part of their thirdness, but a part of superstructure, meaning, it influences or determines them, but cannot be influenced by them (by habit-taking). Maybe for the universe, logic is a part of superstructure too, but the values of constants are not (are part of the structure that is changed by habit-taking). Now, eg. social systems work better, if they obey their superstructures, because a superstructure, otrher than a structure, is inevitable. Example: There are social systems, that do not see the difference between active and passive negation: "Wo is not for us, is against us". These social systems, instead of obeying logic, obey an ideology. This will sooner or later fail and likely lead to a catastrophe. So I think, that the use of logic for a system is to see and follow logic, otherwise something will go wrong. Logic will strike back. In the bible, logic resp. word(s) ("logos") is associated with God. But pure defacto inevitability, and the striking-back of logic, is conflated with Gods wrath, and this conflation has lead to a misunderstanding of God as being wrathful (my interpretation). 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 01. Oktober 2014 um 15:36 Uhr
Von: "Jon Awbrey" <>
An: "Peirce List 1" <>
Betreff: [PEIRCE-L] What's The Use?
What's the use of getting up in the morning?

Never mind that now, I'm already up.

Be constructive. Try to focus on something positive.

Okay, then, what's the use of logic?

You call that focused? Be more specific!

So what's the use of a logical system,
if you think of logic as embodied in systems?

Or what's the use of a logical organ,
if you think of logic as embodied in bodies?

To be continued …


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