Dear Howard, Gary, lists,

I think Howard and myself are on the same main line here, even if not in all 
 I think Howard's generalization of "language" goes too far because that seems 
to require an elaborated system to exist as a prerequisite to even the very 
first occurrences of signs in early life. I find it implausible such a system 
was in place well before any individual sign. My own generalization of 
"proposition", I think, is less demanding.

I also infer that Frederik would interpret the deflated truth value of a 
primitive proposition as its survival value.

I am not sure I agree here. I think even the deflated truth value differs from 
survival value. I can imagine cases where a true sign adds to survival value 
not because of its truth but because of some accidental feature by it. I can 
also imagine cases where a true sign is neutral as to survival value …
I agree with that interpretation, but could a realist be satisfied with that 
interpretation of truth? Also, how is a genetic instruction (an imperative or 
conditional) interpretable as a proposition?

I have no hesitation against accepting that as a proposition. But that has to 
do with the definition of that word. Peirce - as I reconstructed in ch. 3 - saw 
propositions as an ideal content which may, subsequently, be put to use in 
different speech acts such as assertions, imperatives, interrrogatives, etc. 
But because assertions are taken as the prototypical proposition act, also in 
Peirce, a terminological confusion may arise from calling assertions simply 
Most simple propositions in biosemiotics are rather imperatives involved in 
conditionals - like "If X, do Y" …


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