Dear Gary, lists -
I think this is a very nice combination of Damasio's account and mine between 
which I do not see any insurmountable difference - thanks!
Actually, I thought of involving Rosen's notion of anticipation when writing 
the chapter - but it was already too long -

Den 14/11/2014 kl. 21.54 skrev Gary Fuhrman 

On reflection, though, I think they can easily be combined into a single 
consistent account, which goes something like this:

“To address Umwelt facts” is, most basically, to survive in one’s environment; 
for any organism capable of acting at all, that means acting appropriately for 
its “purposes” (survival, homeostasis, reproduction) in its current situation. 
A more complex organism will require more complex action habits, which will 
contitute an internal system of mediating between sensing and acting — an 
Innenwelt, a cognitive system. Its “logic” is knowing the right thing to do, 
which entails that it must instantiate a logic which is also semiotic 
(mediative). This instantiation is of course constrained by laws of physics and 
biology (i.e. the embodiment of a semiotic process must be physically and 
biologically possible).

But what governs the evolution and development of such systems, constrained as 
it is by natural selection, is the more general logical and semiotic 
requirement for the Innenwelt or self-guidance system to addressUmwelt facts. 
And as it becomes more complex, this internal system must increasingly monitor 
itself as well as its current situation, in order to adapt its own habits 
dynamically. Regardless of how it is physically instantiated, it also needs to 
dynamically project internalizations of Umwelt facts into the future. It 
becomes what Robert Rosen called an “anticipatory system.”

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