Dear discussion participants, lists -

Thanks to all participants and thread leaders in the long discussions about my 
book – and especially thanks to Gary for organizing and keeping the the focus 
over many months.
It has been highly instructive to encounter and speculate over the many 
different types of qualified questions, queries, counterarguments.
Many of them will be sure to influence future work -


To all participants in the Natural Propositions seminar on the peirce-l and 
biosemiotics lists,

It's about time to wrap up the seminar by thanking you all for taking part. I 
think the cross-conversation between the two lists has helped to break some new 
ground on both, and you have all contributed to that. We did run into some 
delays and interruptions along the way (we'd originally planned to finish in 
January!) but such things are unavoidable in a large project like this.

Thanks are especially due to the volunteer thread leaders: Jeff Kasser, Jeff 
Downard, Tyler Bennett, Mara Woods, John Collier, Doug Hare, Gary Richmond, 
Cathy Legge, Yogi Hendlin and Franklin Ransom. The moderators/managers of both 
lists were also very helpful, and special thanks are due to Gary Richmond for 
proposing the seminar in the first place.

I think the greatest thanks of all are due to Frederik Stjernfelt — not only 
for writing Natural Propositions, and agreeing to the seminar proposal, but for 
the superb quality of his posts in all the threads. I think his lucidity and 
generosity of thought and language was extraordinary throughout, and 
considerably raised the level of discourse on these lists. This despite 
recurring health problems that interfered with his participation during the 
winter months (I think they are now resolved). Frederik's broad and deep 
contextual knowledge of the many logical and semiotic issues raised during the 
seminar greatly enhanced our study of Peirce's doctrine of dicisigns, a study 
which was already a major contribution (in my view) to both Peircean and 
biosemiotic scholarship. If our seminar has at least brought more attention to 
the book, i think it's been worthwhile.

If my own participation has been rather spotty during the past few months, it 
was due to lack of time, not lack of interest on my part. Thanks again to 
everyone who did find the time to be involved in the seminar.

Gary Fuhrman


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