Harry, List,

Yes, that is the core idea of Peirce's approach to semiotics,
critical to his theory of inquiry and the whole perspective
of pragmatism.  For the past 15 years or so, unfortunately,
I've watched the "fashion of ontologism" (FOO) obscure his
central insights.  I can but hope that the days of FOO are
numbered and will quickly fade into fadish oblivion.



On 6/20/2015 6:51 AM, Harry Procter wrote:
> A sign is only a sign to the extent it is construed or interpreted as
> a sign.  This interpretation connects the sign vehicle with the object.
> The three parts are interdependent and only assume their identity in
> the context of the three.  A truly triadic systemic formulation.
> Best,
> Harry Procter

-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Awbrey [mailto:jawb...@att.net]
Sent: 19 June 2015 20:40
To: Helmut Raulien
Cc: Peirce List
Subject: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Survey of Relation Theory . 1

Helmut, List,

I wasn't completely sure about the meaning of your question:

• "Are interpretants an own class?"

Is "own" a translation of "eigen" maybe?

At any rate I went with my best guess and took you to be asking whether
interpretants (and the other two classes) were ontologically distinctive in
some way.  I rewrote my last reply as a blog post with this interpretation
in mind:

• Relations & Their Relatives : 9
( http://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2015/06/19/relations-their-relatives-9/ )

Please let me know if my reading of your sense is right or not.




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