I wonder what controls instincts which I see as somewhat like inclinations
which suggest movement and power. I am inclined to think it is the
interplay within a community though not always in ways that can be
understood. I wonder of Peirce with his seemingly default inclining toward
the community as a sort of teleological destiny and his sense of the
porousness of the individual ultimately felt that instincts have something
like consciousness?

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On Sun, Jul 19, 2015 at 4:05 PM, Ozzie <ozzie...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Edwina ~
> My notes on habit and evolution are more wide-ranging (random?) than your
> comments/questions.  These are my interpretation of the science, but of
> course I can be wrong.
> 1- Is instinct a property only of the more complex realms?  That depends
> on how one interprets "instinct."  If we define instinct as behavioral
> feature shared by all members of a "species," then protons and electrons DO
> have an instinct to spend time with each other, when the opportunity
> presents itself.  The +/- attraction characterizes all protons and
> electrons, and they always exhibit the expected behavior in a neutral
> environment.  I consider that an instinct.  Other subatomic particles don't
> (necessarily) possess it.  Some may label this a "characteristic" of
> protons and electron, instead of an instinct, which is fine with me -- if
> it is understood this characteristic describes behavior, not physical
> attributes.
> 2- Those protons and electrons can change into altered versions of their
> original states if placed in a different environment.  However, I don't
> consider that evolution.  It is a reaction to the environment. The +/-
> characteristics of atomic particles don't change physically or alter their
> behavior without something happening in the neighborhood/environment where
> they reside.  Chemists change their environment, but so do other things
> (e.g., heat in stars, electromagnetic radiation from the earth's core,
> nearby atoms).  If evolution occurred, then we could not reverse the
> process and break materials down into the original atoms.
> 3- Evolution modifies living things (over time) to add physical features
> to them that incorporate regular/everyday life activities into the physical
> body of species members.  Then, behavior originally attributed to volition
> become instinctual.  Theoretically, nature "decides" that a one-time
> investment of resources (so to speak) reduces physical and cognitive effort
> that would otherwise be required throughout the lifetimes of the species
> members.  Following evolution, the individual can devote effort and
> cognitive attention to more pressing matters that occur less frequently but
> have greater survival value, such as an attack by predators.
> All of this is captured by your statement that evolution "is a basic form
> of knowledge."  I agree.  I see it as nature's knowledge embodied into a
> living thing.
> 4- When evolution provides "instincts" that are efficient substitutes for
> cognitive activity, an external observer may perceive cognition when none
> actually occurs.  (Observers may not be able to see something, and abduct
> some phenomenon that doesn't exist.)
> 5- Creatures do not simply evolve the "ability to think" or "ability to
> move" in some generic way, but evolved the ability to process information
> and move in a manner that supports efficient outcomes.  Thus human brains
> are created as logical organs, with abduction/induction/deduction shaping
> (being reflected in) the physical structure of the mechanism just as our
> digestive tracts are structured efficiently to perform that function.
> Brain cells (neurons) are in the stomach to detect toxins and trigger a
> rapid response.
> 6- Living things do, as you say, have a clear advantage over abiotic
> bodies when it comes to evolution.  However, abiotic bodies comprise the
> things that evolve, so they are along for the evolutionary journey.  A
> light photon traveling from the sun is abiotic, but a plant captures and
> processes it to produce sugar and oxygen. Then animals eat the sugar and
> breathe the oxygen.  Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.  Biological life is
> comprised of abiotic material, and that's what it eventually becomes when
> life ends.
> 7- For an atom (anything) to "evolve" in nature, it appears a mechanism
> would have to exist involving birth, death, reproduction, the concept of
> more fit vs. less fit, etc.  I am not aware of anyone describing such a
> mechanism for atomic particles.  It is possible that some atoms can be
> described as "evolving" into metals or certain compounds independent of
> environmental conditions, but I am unaware of any such mechanism.
> 8- I watched a video last night from the iTunes Store about Darwin which
> illustrated the example provided in your final sentences.  The same bird
> evolved different beaks on each of the Galápagos Islands, corresponding to
> the food found on each.  A series of birds collected by Darwin were laid
> next to each other; on one end was a tiny beak, while on the other the beak
> was very large.  The birds evolved, not the beaks, via the "survival of the
> fittest" mechanism.  (This is #7.)  Other genetic changes occurred in the
> birds while their beaks were evolving, so they became distinct species and
> lost the ability to reproduce with each other.
> Regards,
> Tom Wyrick
> On Jul 19, 2015, at 8:44 AM, Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca> wrote:
> Tom - I like your outline of the nature of instinct, as a property
> triggered by an external stimuli.
> This further suggests that instinct is a property found not merely in the
> individual unit - i.e., an entity with distinct boundaries (which could be
> a chemical molecule or a bacterium) but further, only in an entity that has
> the capacity, as that individual, to act and react (which could take place
> both within the bacterium and the molecule). So do both the biotic and
> abiotic realm function within instinct? Or is instinct a property only of
> the more complex realms?
> That is, instinct is seemingly removed, as a form of knowledge, from the
> normative habits or rules-of-formation of abiotic matter. Certainly, a
> chemical molecule can, in interaction with another molecule, transform
> itself into a more complex molecule. But are the habits, the chemical
> rules-of-formation on the same operational level as instinct? Can these
> habits continuously adapt and evolve in the abiotic realm? That is, is
> instinct a specific form of innate knowledge that gives the biotic realm an
> existential advantage?
> I'd suggest that it is a basic form of knowledge that activates the
> organism to adapt and evolve in the face of environmental stimuli. If the
> environment changes such that a property is missing in the environment
> (water, food, security, other members of the species) - then, instinct will
> activate the individual to move to a site where such properties do exist.
> One could also suggest that if the environment changes such that food
> seeds have tougher shells, instinct, stimulated by the deprivation of food,
>  would activate the current individuals in that area to develop a tougher
> beak.
> Edwina
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Ozzie <ozzie...@gmail.com>
> *To:* Benjamin Udell <bud...@nyc.rr.com>
> *Cc:* peirce-l@list.iupui.edu
> *Sent:* Friday, July 17, 2015 11:53 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [PEIRCE-L] Instinct and emotion
>   Ben, list -
> Thanks for your interesting comments.  I will spend more time thinking
> about them later today.
> Let me briefly address one sentence from your comments:  "I'd say that
> instincts can also be triggered _*inside*_ the body, e.g., by prolonged
> emptiness of the stomach."
> According to the common definition (interpretant) instincts are triggered
> by things in the external world.   Before birth, food is ALWAYS available
> to the baby.  After birth, and assuming an attentive mother (caregiver),
> food continues to be available without any effort or reciprocation on the
> baby's behalf.  This goes on daily for many years, so not feeling hunger
> pains becomes the norm, the expectation.
> Against that backdrop, when food is withheld (by the external
> environment), one's sensation of hunger (-) is a disturbance to the
> status quo (0), which summons the instinct to do something (+) to make that
> "pain" go away.  When something from the environment is eaten (+), the
> sensation (-) disappears (0).
> It is in this sense hunger pains and their elimination are related to
> (triggered by) the individual's contact with the external world.  If the
> individual eats a full meal AND THEN feels hungry, I agree that particular
> sensation has an *internal trigger (likely emotions or a physical
> disability).
> Regards,
> Tom Wyrick
> On Jul 17, 2015, at 8:04 AM, Benjamin Udell <bud...@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
> Regarding some of your comments, I'd say that instincts can also be
> triggered _*inside*_ the body, e.g., by prolonged emptiness of the
> stomach.
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