List, John, Sung:

Gentle responses inserted.   :-) 
On Nov 14, 2015, at 4:49 AM, John Collier wrote:

> Jerry,
> Isn’t this just a straightforward consequence of Fourier analysis?

Of course, yes.  My first sentence is merely a factual statement.

> Are you implying that Fourier analysis has no scientific value (it is 
> tautological, so no additional information content – so no additional 
> empirical content),

 The mathematical content of the two forms of representation is analogous. 

But, see: 
 for the difference in philosophical content.
[Old wine in new bottles?]  

> or do you mean to imply some other value with your use of “scientific”? I 
> would prefer to keep the term from being value laden, but I know it is used 
> that way, though usually pejoratively. I really don’t understand your usage 
> here.

My question, a second independent thought,  was: 

> How does your work relate to any form of scientific conclusion?
Generally speaking, as an everyday term, "science" means well-defined objective 
knowledge, usually consistent and reproducible and independent of the observer. 
Hilbert's criteria of consistency, completeness and decidability are the first 
logical steps for evaluating scientific papers, are they not? 

The conceptual forms of mathematics do not infer any units of measure, 
scientific units being terms that are necessary to associate the scientific 
identity of a quality with number and hence quantity.  

In certain of your writings, John, such as your vigorous insistence of the 
problematic notion of "It's from bits", you choose to ignore how the units of 
"its" come into being.

I believe that this is both a metaphysical and a scientific flaw in your 
positions, in this instance and elsewhere in other of your writings.

Would your position on "It's from Bits" be consistent with:

"The union of units unites the unity of the Universe." ? 



BTW, the quote:
> “The undertaking which this volume inaugurates is to make a philosophy like   
>                (111315-1)
> that of Aristotle, that is to say, to outline a theory so comprehensive that, 
> for a 
> long time to come, the entire work of human reason, in philosophy of every 
> school and kind, in mathematics, in psychology, in physical science, in 
> history, 
> in sociology, and in whatever other department there may be, shall appear as 
> the filling up of its details.  The first step toward this is to find simple 
> concepts 
> applicable to every subject. “ (Heartshorne and Weiss, 1931, p. vii; emphases 
> were added).”

is directly from CP1. paragraph 1 of the "preface" which is actually from a CSP 

The deep question is: 

Can any concept meet this stringent criteria?
If so, which one or ones?
Would such a concept be a unit?


> John Collier
> Professor Emeritus, UKZN
> From: Jerry LR Chandler [] 
> Sent: November 14, 2015 7:04 AM
> To: Sungchul Ji
> Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] The Universe as a Self-Organizing Musical Instrument 
> Sung:
> Every 'vibrational motion' can be approximated by a sequence of intervals.
> How does your work relate to any form of scientific conclusion?
> In other words, what are the premisses?  
> And what are the propositions?
> And, how are these premisses and propositions related to a scientific 
> conclusion? 
>  (such as "Life is...???)
> Cheers
> jerry
> On Nov 13, 2015, at 6:33 PM, Sungchul Ji wrote:
> Hi,
> Charles Peirce believed that there are "simple concepts applicable to every 
> subject": 
> “The undertaking which this volume inaugurates is to make a philosophy like   
>                (111315-1)
> that of Aristotle, that is to say, to outline a theory so comprehensive that, 
> for a 
> long time to come, the entire work of human reason, in philosophy of every 
> school and kind, in mathematics, in psychology, in physical science, in 
> history, 
> in sociology, and in whatever other department there may be, shall appear as 
> the filling up of its details.  The first step toward this is to find simple 
> concepts 
> applicable to every subject. “ (Heartshorne and Weiss, 1931, p. vii; emphases 
> were added).”
> The purpose of this post is to bring to your attention some recent evidences 
> supporting the suggestion that "vibrational motions" of material systems may 
> be one of the simple concepts that applies to everything in the Universe -- 
> from bond vibrations in molecules, to concentration waves inside the cell, to 
> sound waves in human speech, to electromagnetic waves from the sun, the 
> brain, and i-phones, and to the gravitational waves yet to be confirmed (Ji, 
> 2015 a, b).   
> Evidence #1:  
> Petoukhov (2015) has accumulated an impressive amount of evidence during the 
> past decade that genes exhibit properties resembling mechanical systems 
> executing vibrational motions, since both genetic and vibratory systems 
> reveal similar regularities when analyzed using matrix algebra.  For example, 
> the Punnet squares in molecular genetics show the patterns of allele 
> combinations that are similar to the patterns of frequency arrangements in 
> the tensor products of matrices representing vibrational motions of 
> mechanical systems.   Based on these observations, Petoukhov concluded that 
> living organisms are akin to musical instruments: 
> “Any living organism is a great chorus of coordinated oscillatory             
>                          (111315-2)
> (also called vibrational; my addition) processes (mechanical, 
> electrical, piezoelectric, biochemical, etc.), which are connected 
> with their genetic inheritance along chains of generations.”
> “From a formal point of view, a living organism is an oscillatory             
>                            (111315-3)
> system with a large number of degrees of freedom,  Resonances in 
> such a system can serve as mechanisms for harmonization and 
> ordering of its set of oscillatory processes.”
> “A new slogan can be proposed: any living body is a musical                   
>                            (111315-4)
> instrument (a synthesizer with an abundance of rearrangements 
> of resonant modes).”  (For convenience, we may refer to this idea 
> as the Petoukhov hypothesis; see Figure 1)
> <image.png><image.png>
> -- 
> Figure 1.  The Petoukhov hypothesis that organisms are musical instruments.
> Evidence #2:
> Based on an analysis of the microarray data measured from budding yeast 
> undergoing the glucose-galactose shift, I was led to conclude that genes act 
> as molecular machines (Ji, 2009). It is very likely that the functions of a 
> 'gene molecular machine' (GMM) involves coupled oscillatory motions of 
> component atoms under physiological conditions and hence can be characterized 
> in terms of the (Hessian) matrix of frequencies and associated eigen values 
> and eigen vectors, in agreement with the Petoukhov hypothesis described 
> above.  In other words, the "genes-as-molecular-machines hypothesis" and the 
> "Petoukhov hypothesis" may be synonymous.
> Evidence #3:
> In (Ji, 1974; not so recent, I admit), I postulated that enzymic catalysis 
> results from coordinated vibrational motions of chemical bonds in enzyme 
> molecules:
> “An ordinary enzyme possesses 103 to 104 vibrational degrees of               
>                            (111315-5)
> freedom. It is therefore reasonable to assume that the vibrational  
> motions of individual bonds in the enzyme will be far more important 
> in enzyme catalysis than the translational or rotational motions of 
> the enzyme as a whole.  Given all the vibrational frequencies of the 
> individual bonds in an enzyme, as well as their three–dimensional 
> arrangements, we can in principle deduce the thermodynamic and 
> catalytic properties of the enzyme under any conditions.” 
> Evidence #4:
> In 2008 (Ji, 2012), a mathematical equation, called the Planckian 
> Distribution Equation  (PDE), was discovered at Rutgers, and this equation 
> has been found to fit many long tailed histograms reported in diverse fields 
> of inquiries, including 
> (i) atomic physics, 
> (ii) protein folding, 
> (iii) single-molecule enzymic catalysis, 
> (iv) mitochondrial volume distributions in cells, 
> (v) whole-cell mRNA metabolism, 
> (vi) fMRI signals, 
> (vii) decision-making time histograms, 
> (viii) EEG and ECoG, 
> (ix) world length frequency distributions in speeches, 
> (x) sentence length frequency distribution in texts, 
> (xi) US annual income distributions, and  
> (xii) the polarized cosmic microwave background radiation (fitted by PDE only 
> partially, probably due to the randomizing effects of galactic dust).  
> (PDE is y = A/(X + B)^5/(Exp(C/(x + B)) - 1), where A, B and C are free 
> parameters, x and y are, respectively the x- and y-coordinates of a long 
> tailed histogram.)
> These observations led me to conclude that the universal applicability of PDE 
> to long tailed histograms may be attributed to
>   ". . . the universality of the wave-particle duality embedded in PDE."      
>                          (111315-6) 
> The first factor in the Planck radiation formula, and hence in PDE as well, 
> is related to the number of the standing waves in 
> the system under consideration and the second factor to the average energy of 
> the standing waves (  
> These ideas and observations are diagrammatically summarized in Figure 2:     
> <image.png>
> Figure 2.  The hypothesis that the Universe is a system of self-organizing 
> oscillators that generate long-tailed histograms fitting PDE.   This figure 
> can be viewed as an extension of the Petoukhov hypothesis from organisms, 
> Figure 1, to the Universe Itself based  on the apparent universality of the 
> PDE.
> In conclusion, the works of Petoukhov and mine over the past several decades 
> appear to support the notion that oscillatory/vibrational/wave motions play 
> fundamental roles not only in physics but also in living systems and that 
> mathematics, especially matrix algebra, is indispensable in revealing the 
> structures hidden behind empirical regularities.    
> Any questions or comments would be welcome.
> Sung
> Sungchul Ji, Ph.D.
> Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology
> Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
> Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
> Rutgers University
> Piscataway, N.J. 08855
> 732-445-4701
> References:
>    Ji, S. (1974).  Energy and Negentropy in Enzymic Catalysis.  Ann. N. Y. 
> Ac. Sci. 227:419-437.  PDF at under Publications 
> Refereed Journal Articles.
>    Ji, S. (2009)  Genes as molecular machines: Microarray Evidence for 
> structural genes regulating their own transcripts.  Abstracts, The 2009 Joint 
> RECOMB Satelite Conference on Regulatory Genomics-Systems Biology - DREAM4.  
> MIT/Broad Institute/CSAIL, Boston, December 2-6, 2009. P. 99.Ji, S. (2012). 
> Molecular Theory of the Living Cell: Concepts, Molecular Mechanisms, and 
> Biomedical Applications.  Springer, new York.
>    Ji, S. (2015a).  Planckian distributions in molecular machines, living 
> cells, and brains: The wave-particle duality in biomedical sciences.  
> Proceedings of the International Conference on Biology and Biomedical 
> Engineering.  Vienna, March 15-17, 2015. Pp. 115-137.  Retrievable from 
>    Ji, S. (2015b).  Planckian Information (I_P): A new measure of Order in 
> Atoms, Enzymes, Cells, Brains, Human Societies, and the Cosmos.
> In: Unified Field Mechanics: Natural Science beyond the Veil of Spacetime (R. 
> Amoroso, P. Rowland and L. Kauffman, eds.)  World Scientific , New Jersey.  
> Pp. 579-589.   
>    Petoukhov, S. D. (2015).  Music and the Modeling Approach to Genetic 
> Systems of Biological Resonances (Genetic System and Vibrational Mechanics).
> The 4th ISIS Summit, Vienna, 2015.  Power Point slides at 
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