Gary R asked:

I'd be interested in what forum members make of any of this, especially in 
relation to what has already been discussed, and especially in consideration of 
Gary F's two outlines of the 10 classes and the tree figure which he provided.

The difference is profound with respect to the nature of relations of the 
figures (icons? graphs? diagrams?).

If a graphic tree structure is used in logic, such as Gary F may be implying, 
then each node in the diagram is a distinctive part of the thing, taken as a 
whole. The representamen of the object is mereo-logical. Each interior node is 
non-terminating.  Terminal nodes (at the bottom of the tree) are "conclusions" 
in the sense that they bring closure (conclusions) to the set of propositions.

OUTSIDE of the local meanings associated within the CSP context of linguistic 
usage and the historical (in)consistentency, I have never understood the 
logical meaning of your diagrams nor how to interpret them in a general 
scientific or logical sense. So, I have no comment, other than whatever the 
intended meaning of the triangular diagram, it can probably converted it into a 
Boolean-like form if anyone has the time and perseverance necessary to write 
the very long list of propositioned needed to associate your meaning with your 

As an aside, I interpret Gary F.'s tree as a simple logic of "yes" / "no" in 
the classical Boolean style; as such I read the tree as a complete, total 
abandonment of the intuitive meaning of triadicity as singular, relational form 
that does not require a "glue" and also as rejection of the trichotomy of nine 
terms CSP uses to construct a recursive form of logical argumentation that is 
scientifically sound. 

All the above comments, are, of course,  my opinions of how the world works and 
how CSP chose to interpret his world in terms of the 19th Century culture he 




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