
In a recent tweet of his, reading between the lines, it would seem that
Richard Dawkins is beginning to respond to challenges to his genocentric
paradigm within the context of the second law of thermodynamics (entropy).
Due to uncertainties wrt copyright, I won't include his tweet here. But we
should be paying attention. In another forum, I posted the following comment
that succinctly summarizes my position and the problem with the genocentric

To the materialist paradigm, we owe the infotech narrative that portrays DNA
as "data" to be computed. Yet there is no sign anywhere of said "computer".
Hello? And these people call themselves scientists? And to extend the
absurdity of their "just so" narrative they might suggest that the computer
is somehow bound into the molecular sequences and structures around which
all reactions take place, as if this somehow ameliorates their position. It
does not. The absurdity remains because the complex properties of the
subatomic, atomic and molecular structures that make life possible still
need to be accounted for. As if by magic, their materialist complexity
emerges contrary to the laws of thermodynamics and the forces of entropy
that are arrayed against it. Whether it's "because natural selection" or
"because genes" or "because epigenetics" or "because Darwin" or "because
evo-psych" or "because hunter-gatherers of the Pleistocene", there is no
axiomatic framework that hangs together. They have no axiomatic framework.
These labcoats masquerading as scientists don't even know what an axiomatic
framework is or what it is for. The materialist paradigm is an unprecedented
woo on steroids.

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