Jeff, Gary F., List:

GF:  That would seem to mean that the Interpretant determines whether the
sign is icon, index or symbol. I don’t see how that could work ...

I was just thinking about how to make this same point.  My understanding of
Peirce is that the sign determines the interpretant to have the same
relation to the object that the sign itself has, which is presumably why
the interpretant-object relation is never treated as a separate
trichotomy.  Therefore, it seems to me that the sign-object relation must
precede the interpretant in the order of determination.


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman -

On Sat, Sep 17, 2016 at 4:06 PM, <> wrote:

> Jeff, I'm sure I must be missing something here, so I'd better take it one
> question at a time ...
> When you say (iii) that “I determines (O-S)”, does that mean that the
> Interpretant determines the Object-Sign relation? That would seem to mean
> that the Interpretant determines whether the sign is icon, index or symbol.
> I don’t see how that could work, but I don’t see how else to read it.
> Concerning the two sets of three trichotomies each outlined in the middle
> of EP2:290, those are supposed to apply to triadic relations generally, but
> how they would apply to Signs (i.e. to one type of *correlate* of one
> type of triadic relation) is not clear, because at this point Peirce has
> not yet said anything about the order of determination, nor has he yet
> defined a Representamen or a Sign (he does that a couple of paragraphs
> later, commenting that “Signs are the only representamens that have been
> much studied.”) What we have in the rest of NDTR is ten types OF SIGNS defined
> according to three trichotomies OF SIGNS. I don’t see how either of the two
> sets of ten classes OF TRIADIC RELATIONS mentioned on p.290 can be expected
> to map onto the tenfold classification of SIGNS.
> But I’ll keep looking …
> Gary f.
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