Dear Jerry and list

Yes, how we through Peirce’s theory can reconcile the scientific knowledge we 
have gathered about material and mental causality.

Look forward to read your paper when it is ready.


From: Jerry LR Chandler []
Sent: 21. oktober 2016 17:20
To: Peirce List
Cc: Søren Brier
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Universes and Categories (was Peirce's Cosmology)


Would it be fair to say that you seek to understand how CSP’s writings relate 
to scientific causality?

I think it is fair to ask if Jon’s views on engineering wrt CSP writings are 
typical of modern engineering disciplines, such as chemical engineering and 
molecular-biological engineering in which specific causal processes must be 
arranged from the body of scientific information (chemical / biological) 
available.  Within the professions, these are referred to a “scale-up” 
problems.  Or, otherwise as “from the lab-bench to production”.

BTW, Soren, on a personal note and in reference to an earlier exchange here 
(2014?) on the role of  electricity in bio-cybernetics / biosemiotics, I have 
just finished writing a paper -An Introduction to the Foundations of Chemical 
Information Theory. Tarski – Lesniewski Logical Structures and the Organization 
of Natural Sorts and Kinds.

Indirectly, it draws on certain aspects of CSP logic, as well as the views of 
M. Malatesta’s on meta-languages. But, it focuses the meaning of quanta of 
electricity and the relations to symmetry.  It will be submitted for 
publication after colleagues have provided comments.



On Oct 21, 2016, at 5:05 AM, Søren Brier <<>> 

Jeff. List

My problem – probably arising from my scientific background as a biologist – is 
that I still do not see how Peirce explains in cosmogonical terms how we get 
from Peirce semiotic objective idealism with the universe as a grand argument 
to a physical as well as chemical theory of  matter. How do we get from the 
three universes to the world we are in today, with its physically real problem 
of global warming?


From: Jerry Rhee []
Sent: 21. oktober 2016 01:17
To: Søren Brier
Cc: Jon Alan Schmidt; Peirce-L
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Universes and Categories (was Peirce's Cosmology)

Soren, list:

I don’t see why you’re having problems with seeing how this is possible without 
a recognition of the independent reality of embodied conscious subjects living 
in language and culture.

Could you not simply look to the best example that embodies this integration of 
phaneroscopic metaphysics that is combined with ethics, esthetics, logic; that 
is combined with tychism, ananchism, agapism (together, synechism); which 
supports the triadic process of semiotic through pragmaticism?

Jerry R

On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 4:04 PM, Søren Brier 
<<>> wrote:
Jon and list

Difficult question. The choice of phenomenology and to combine it with pure 
mathematics is in itself metaphysical. Out of this combination develops 
phaneroscopic metaphysics,  which develop worlds and which is again combined 
with ethic, aesthetics and logic as semiotics. This is again combined with 
Tychism, synechism and agapism, which are partly independent of the three 
categories but supports the development of the triadic process semiotics, and 
his pragmaticism, from which a theory of meaning of a sign is developed. But I 
still have problems in seeing how this is possible without a recognition of the 
independent reality of embodied conscious subjects living in language and 


From: Jon Alan Schmidt 
Sent: 20. oktober 2016 18:22
To: Søren Brier
Cc: Peirce-L
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Universes and Categories (was Peirce's Cosmology)

Søren, List:

Are you saying that the Categories are phaneroscopic, while the Universes are 



On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 11:07 AM, Søren Brier 
<<>> wrote:
I suggest that  in a phaneroscopic process ontology the categories will develop 
into worlds.


From: Jon Alan Schmidt 
Sent: 20. oktober 2016 15:34
To: Søren Brier
Cc: Peirce-L
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Universes and Categories (was Peirce's Cosmology)
Søren, List:
SB:  I think it is fair to say that the categories do form three distinct 
different universes.
Just to clarify--are you saying that the categories and the universes are the 



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