
Should be of interest to people from semiotics too.

Special Session on Foundations of Vagueness, Rough sets and Mereology

at International Joint Conference on Rough Sets, 2017 (IJCRS’2017)

Principal Organizer & Session Chair:
A Mani
University of Calcutta, India

Organizer & Co-Chair:
Lech Polkowski
Polish-Japanese Academy IT & University of Warmia and Masuria

Aim and Scope:

The main aim of this session is to help with rethinking of the foundations
of rough sets, vagueness, mereology, mereotopology, related algebraic
logic, granularity and allied areas, improve awareness of researchers
about foundational issues and generation of newer approaches to
practical problems.

The session will feature both invited and contributed talks.
Experienced and new researchers working on theoretical or practical
applications in related areas are encouraged to participate.

Work on some of the sub-areas that might be optimal for this session

• Connections between non CEM (classical extensional mereology)
and rough sets,
• Connection between mereo-topology, descriptive proximities and
granular rough sets
• Both old and new problems in Algebraic, Non classical,
Paraconsistent and Dialectical logics for handling vagueness,
Granularity and rough sets
• Connections between Perdurantism, Endurantism and Rough sets,
• Theories of Knowledge in Philosophy, Vagueness, Popular Problems
in Rough Sets.
• Meaning of Granular Rough Set Algorithms including those for
various reducts
• Measures of Knowledge Consistency, Stability, Rationality in rough
set related contexts
• Inverse Problems of Granular Rough Sets, Connections with Other
Soft Approaches
• Comparative Data Intrusion


Topics can include foundations of mereology, spatial mereology, prox-
imities, perdurantism, endurantism, mereology and types of vagueness,
models of granular rough sets, inverse problems, related algebraic,
non-classical, paraconsistent and dialectical logics, algebraic models,
theories of knowledge, knowledge consistency, algorithms for various
reducts, ontology and existential graphs, functionality, temporality
in databases, measures in rough sets, connections with other soft
approaches, granularity and related topics.

Important Dates

• Deadline for submitting 10-page conference papers: February 28,2017
• Notification of acceptance for 10-page conference papers: March 25, 2017
• Deadline for submitting camera-ready accepted conference papers:
April 15, 2017
• Conference: July 3-7, 2017
• Special Session: TBA


Olsztyn, Poland



Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings in
Springer’s LNCS/LNAI series and indexed in Web of Science. In addition,
4-pages long abstracts will also be admitted. Accepted abstracts will
be presented in dedicated sessions and their authors will be invited to
send extensions to full papers which after acceptation will be published
in the Journal Technical Sciences published by UWM.

Conference Proceedings will contain short descriptions of accepted
abstracts. Springer’s guidelines and technical instructions for the
preparation of contributions can be found visiting the following URL:


Papers should be submitted through the Easychair platform, visiting
the following URL:


***Please indicate your session during submission at easychair.***

Each submitted paper will be reviewed by three reviewers independently
and the decision on acceptance will be based on the results
in the scale from -3 (strong reject) to +3 (strong accept) weighted by
referees degrees of confidence. In exceptional cases Conference and
Program Chairs have the right to overrule the referees decisions.

***There is possibility (to be discussed with Editors) to issue
proceedings of the session also as an issue of Fundamenta Informaticae.


Thanks and Regards

A. Mani

Prof(Miss) A. Mani
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