Jon A., Jerry, Jeffrey, list

In any notation for logic, we have to distinguish the ontology from
the base logic.  Peirce's basic existential graphs (Alpha + Beta)
make minimal assumptions about ontology.  They can be mapped to
and from FOL in Peirce-Schröder-Peano algebraic notation.

Peirce's many extensions to the EG base can be viewed as different
ways of (1) adding some version(s) of ontology to the base and/or
(2) extending his basic EG rules of inference.

For any proposed notation for logic, I recommend two exercises:
(1) a translation to English or other natural language; and
(2) a translation to the PSP algebraic notation.  These exercises
help distinguish syntactic features (which are lost in translation)
from semantic features (which are independent of any notation).

Our inquiry now calls on the rudiments of topology,
for which I turn to J.L. Kelley.

That statement introduces two kinds of ontology:  sets and set-based
topology.  It's OK to design a notation that mixes logic and ontology,
but it's important to be clear about what the ontology adds to the
logic -- and what alternatives might be considered.

In fact, a major complaint about the version of higher-order logic
in the _Principia_ is that it mixes an ontology for Cantor's set
theory with PSP notation.  Common Logic (discussed below) is an
alternative:  it allows quantifiers to range over functions and
relations without requiring uncountable sets.

Every version of temporal logic, dynamic logic, etc. can be mapped
to first-order logic with explicit quantifiers that range over time:

I was a bit surprised by this statement.  I am thinking of chemical
and biological phenomena such as enzyme catalysis, biological
reproduction and other “emergent" phenomena that require ampliative

Note that I was only talking about mapping temporal and dynamic logics
to FOL plus an ontology for time and processes.  The following book
goes into a great deal of detail on these issues:

Gergely, Tamás, & László Úry (1991) First-Order Programming
Theories, Berlin: Springer.

As the title indicates, the book addresses issues about programming
digital computers to represent time and processes.  Since a Turing
machine is sufficiently general to simulate any digital computer,
it can simulate any theory of time and processes that can be
programmed in any digital computer.

Short summary:  If you can simulate those biological processes
on a digital computer, it is possible to simulate them on a
Turing machine and map them to FOL plus an ontology for time.

I say more about theories of processes and causality in the
following article, which contains material from several sources,
including my book _Knowledge Representation_ (2000):

The claim might hold for some formal systems (i.e., mathematical)
of deductive logic, but does it hold for all?  Peirce seems to
suggest that second order intentional logics can't be mapped onto
what we call first-order predicate logics with quantifiers.

I agree with Peirce that you need more than PSP algebraic notation
(or Alpha + Beta EGs).  I had been working with Pat Hayes and
Chris Menzel on the ISO standard for Common Logic (CL) and its
extension to the IKL logic (Interoperable Knowledge Language).
For the various publications that led to CL and IKL, search
for the names Hayes, Menzel, and Sowa in the following web page:

Peirce's EGs with extensions that he had proposed in various
writings are sufficient to represent the full semantics of CL and
IKL.  For an overview and examples, see the following article:

I won't claim that CL and IKL are the versions of logic that Peirce
would have preferred if he had the time to explore these issues.

What I do claim is that Peirce's base (Alpha + Beta) together
with a subset of Gamma and miscellaneous examples in his writings
form a highly expressive logic with the following properties:

 1. It's consistent with CL and IKL, as defined in the references
    in the eg2cg.pdf article.

 2. It's a superset of the discourse representation structures
    (DRSs) that Hans Kamp developed to represent natural language
    semantics.  And Peirce's basic EG rules for Alpha + Beta are
    a sound and complete deductive system for DRS.

 3. Peirce's EG extensions for quantifying over relations can be
    translated to and from CL.  His extensions for metalanguage
    can be translated to and from IKL.

 4. Many of his Gamma graphs and his rules for reasoning with
    them can be translated to and from IKL.

Point #4 is still an open research area.  The exercise of analyzing
CSP's often cryptic writings and examples may unearth some important
new insights for further development.

Hilary Putnam's observation about Aristotle is true about Peirce:
"Whenever I become clearer about a subject, I find that Aristotle
[or Peirce] has also become clearer about it."

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