On 3/10/2017 8:57 AM, Jon Alan Schmidt wrote:
By contrast, Peirce's realism recognizes that "correspondence,
coherence, consensus, and instrumental reliability are all essential
and constitutive elements of truth--none is any more fundamental than
the others.  Moreover, each of these elements of truth is a necessary
condition for realizing the others.  Each one--properly understood and
fully explicated in accordance with the pragmatic maxim--implies the
others" (Paul Forster, p. 175).

Excellent point.

And by the way, Forster's book is good for what it does, but he always
compares Peirce to his predecessors or contemporaries.  In order to
understand the implications of CSP's work, it's essential to test
his ideas with the future -- both successes and failures.  Peirce
always insisted that the meaning of Thirdness is in the future.

For example, note that Rudolf Carnap, a good logician whose mind was
warped by Frege and Mach (hence logical positivism), refused to admit
Truth in his system.  But he finally admitted truth values, when Tarski
showed him the model-theoretic criterion.  But to the end of his life,
Carnap repeated Mach's claim that the laws of physics were nothing but
summaries of observations.

Historical studies are important, and Peirce studied the past more
than most of his contemporaries.  But it's important to confirm
his ideas by looking at successful applications -- *and* at major
failures caused by ignoring him.

The most spectacular failures were behaviorism and logical
positivism, which dominated a major part of the 20th century.
Quine didn't call himself a logical positivist, but he had
nothing better to offer.  Hao Wang, who earned a PhD with Quine,
called Q's philosophy "logical negativism".

Among their failures is the total absence of normative science
and value judgments.  They have nothing to say about the claims
"Greed is good" or "I'm OK. Pull up the gangplank."

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