thanks jon,

that was much better than sending me off to links that are so abstruse, one
would expect a novice to walk away sight-unseen.

If the point is to accommodate "a way of organizing growing domains of
objects, without having to specify in advance all the objects there are",
then don't you think CP 5.189 achieves this?  So, why wouldn't one look
there first?


On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 4:08 PM, Jon Awbrey <> wrote:

> Jerry, List ...
> There's an earlier version of this material at the Arisbe Gateway:
> The discussion of Sign Relations begins at “  Sign Relations:  A
> Primer”
> and continues under approximately the same headings as the InterSciWiki
> version:
> Sign Relations : A Primer
> tems_:_Part_1#
> Iconic Signs
> tems_:_Part_1#
> Indexical Signs
> tems_:_Part_1#
> Recapitulation : A Brush with Symbols
> tems_:_Part_1#
> To get the spirit of what is going on here, imagine yourself designing
> a software application for assisting with inquiry, one that can begin
> with the earliest stages of qualitative research and continue helping
> with the most complex quantitative analyses and statistical inferences.
> One of the first things you'll discover is that you can't really decide
> ahead of time all the sorts of things you'll need to refer to over time,
> and so you'll need a dynamic database, one that can develop as the need
> arises, to keep track of all the “instances” and “properties”, in other
> words, the objects you need to describe and the descriptors you need to
> describe them, as time goes by.
> I began discussing one sort of organizational structure
> flexible enough to handle these tasks, introducing the
> concept of an Objective Framework (OF), at this point:
> Objective Plans and Levels
> tems_:_Part_1#
> In accounting for the special characters of icons and indices that arose in
> previous discussions, it was necessary to open the domain of objects coming
> under formal consideration to include unspecified numbers of properties and
> instances of whatever objects were initially set down.  This is a general
> phenomenon, affecting every motion toward explanation whether pursued by
> analytic or synthetic means.  What it calls for in practice is a way of
> organizing growing domains of objects, without having to specify in
> advance all the objects there are.
> </QUOTE>
> The next several sections discuss how we might apply
> these very general principles of organization to the
> more specific task of analyzing iconic and indexical
> sign relations:
> Formalization of OF : Objective Levels
> tems_:_Part_1#
> Application of OF : Generic Level
> tems_:_Part_1#
> Application of OF : Motive Level
> tems_:_Part_1#
> Regards,
> Jon
> On 4/5/2017 11:50 AM, Jon Awbrey wrote:
>> Jerry, List ...
>> Just back from travel and it may be a while before I get back in gear,
>> but here's a few links on how I would (and long ago did) begin to get
>> a handle on the issue, with an eye as always to real-world practical
>> applications:
>> <...>
>> Regards,
>> Jon
>> On 4/3/2017 7:20 PM, Jerry Rhee wrote:
>>> How best do you distinguish between these terms?  What settles it?
>>> Tx,
>>> Jerry R
> --
> inquiry into inquiry:
> academia:
> oeiswiki:
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