Hi List,

I was reading Nathan Houser's piece on "Peirce, Phenomenology, and Semiotics" in the Routledge Companion [1] and came across this quote:

"One of the principal realms of sign activity, or semiosis (semeiosis), is human thought; but semiosis prevails wherever there is life and there is some reason to believe that even the laws of nature are semiotic products." (emphasis added)

I am aware of the reference to crystals and bees (CP 4.551), but do not recall seeing Peirce references to signs in inanimate nature other than crystals. Does anyone on the list know of others?



[1] Houser, N., “Peirce, Phenomenology, and Semiotics,” The Routledge Companion to Semiotics, P. Cobley, ed., London ; New York: Routledge, 2010, pp. 89–100.

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