BODY { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;
}Jon, list

        I don't see the Representamen as the individual site for storage.
That would make it 'existential' in itself. I see it as a site for a
mediation process that accesses knowledge/information and inputs
it/uses deal with the information provided from the DO/IO.

         The FULL Sign of DO-[IO-R-II]-DI is the existential FORM of Matter
and thus, as this FULL SIGN is the site for the storage of knowledge.
That is, a molecule, as itself, as a form of matter, stores
information. That same molecule is functioning within a full Sign
format: DO-[IO-R-II]-DI.  It is in interaction with other molecules
[DO] and forms its own nature [DI] which will interact as a DO with
other molecules.

        However, I do not agree that Form is 1stness; I maintain that Form
is Thirdness. Firstness functions within vagueness and possibility. 

 On Sat 10/02/18  1:07 PM , Jon Alan Schmidt
 Edwina, List:
 Well, I still see the Quasi-mind as "the [individual] site for
storage," rather than the Sign/Representamen.  However, I do see the
latter as the means "for the introduction of novelty and diversity,"
since it always adds new Collateral Experience to a particular
Quasi-mind as its Immediate Object, and also always has the potential
for adding a new Habit of Interpretation to it as its Final
  We might also still disagree about exactly how form and matter come
into play.  In accordance with NEM 4:292-300 (1902) and EP 2:303-304
(1904), I see Signs as bringing about the entelechy of Being (3ns,
"the perfect Truth, the absolute Truth ... the ultimate interpretant
of every sign") by uniting Form (1ns, "signifies characters, or
qualities") and Matter (2ns, "denoting objects"); i.e., "the
attribution of a predicate to a subject" (CP 6.341; 1909).  This is
another way of expressing the  telos of all Sign-action,  the  summum
bonum, which is "the ultimate representation" (EP 2:324; 1904).
 Jon S. 
 On Sat, Feb 10, 2018 at 11:11 AM, Edwina Taborsky  wrote:
        Jon - OK - I have no problem with your outline.

        I'd also say that a Sign [which I understand as the full set of
DO-[IO-R-II]...serves not only as the site for storage but also for
the introduction of novelty and diversity. Novelty can be introduced
at various stages: at the IO, the II, the DI...and this would be
taken up by the R in the next individual. 

        I'd also say that this Sign serves as the FORM of matter; i.e., not
merely for communication between individuals, but as the actual
method of forming matter. 

        Otherwise - I'd say that our views are becoming, unbelievably, more
in line with each other!


        On Sat 10/02/18 11:18 AM , Jon Alan Schmidt
[2] sent:
 Edwina, List:
 Given how Peirce used the term "Quasi-mind" in CP 4.551, I take it
to be inclusive of both symbolic and non-symbolic thought, rather
than limited to the latter.  It is most easily understood as a
substitute for a human mind, but also applies to bees, crystals, etc.
 Each individual Quasi-mind serves as a "site" for "storage" of an
"accumulated knowledge base" that includes acquaintance with various
systems of Signs, Collateral Experience (previous Immediate Objects),
and Habits of Interpretation (previous Final Interpretants).  A Sign
serves as a medium for communication of ideas/forms between
individual Quasi-minds, and successful Sign-action--which can only
take place within the Commens, where multiple Quasi-minds
overlap--"welds" them together in the Sign.  Every Sign adds to a
Quasi-mind's Collateral Experience, and some Signs produce Final
Interpretants that constitute Habit-change--i.e.,  learning from
experience--when they supplement or alter the Quasi-mind's Habits of
Interpretation.  The telos of this process is the summum bonum--the
"welding" of all Quasi-minds into a continuum.
 At least, that is how I see it right now.
Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA Professional Engineer, Amateur
Philosopher, Lutheran [3] - [4] 
 On Sat, Feb 10, 2018 at 8:57 AM, Edwina Taborsky  wrote:
        Jon, list - I like your outline of a syllogistic format - I consider
that the semiosic triad of DO-[IO-R-II]..and possibly DI functions in
a syllogistic format.

        But with regard to the Mind/Quasi-Mind discussion, I consider that
Mind can be understood as the Real, while the individual articulation
of this Mind is its spatiotemporal Existence. We might sometimes refer
to the individual articulation of the Reality of Mind as 'Quasi-Mind',
but to me at least, that phrase suggests a non-symbolic version of
thinking, as in a paramecium, rather than the individual existential
articulation of the Reality of Mind. 

        As for the accumulated knowledge base - that's held in the laws of
Form, so to speak. Within physic-chemical laws, within genetics,  and
socially, within cultural rules and norms which are passed down to the
next generation by socialization. Peirce described its Storage method
as Thirdness and it is interesting that he has three types of
Thirdness - from the most abstract idealism to the collectivism of an
indexical binding and an emotional cloning of this knowledge. 


        On Sat 10/02/18  9:15 AM , Jon Awbrey sent:
 There's a bit on the role of accumulated knowledge bases in 
 inquiry, learning, and reasoning in the following section: 
 Introduction to Inquiry Driven Systems • Learning, Transfer,

 inquiry into inquiry: 
 facebook page:  

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