Dear list,

The surprising fact, "*they take things out of context, making
unsubstantiated assertions, relying on the assumption that they won’t be
checked*" is observed.
But if the good man has a good soul, C would be a matter of course.
Hence, there is reason to suspect that A is true.

With best wishes,
Jerry R

On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 5:37 PM, Stephen Jarosek <>

> >"As for myself, I have never agreed with anyone else's paraphrase of my
> opinions.  I always ask people to quote my exact words and not attribute
> their interpretations to me.  I would give Peirce the same benefit of the
> doubt."
> Excellent. As it should be.
> I cannot comment on the truth or otherwise of Eugene’s defamations of
> Peirce. But one thing has to be made absolutely clear... this is the sort
> of thing that extremists in America are resorting to now. They’re getting
> desperate. They deliberately take things out of context, they lie and they
> fabricate. They defame their opposition, and now it looks like they’re even
> defaming historical figures.
> If one is to take a defamer seriously, then they need to check the claims
> made... don’t take them as given. What people with an agenda typically
> do... they take things out of context, making unsubstantiated assertions,
> relying on the assumption that they won’t be checked. If anyone is going to
> follow through on this, then please do it properly. Did Peirce say mean
> things once? Maybe. So have I. So have most of you. Did he change later?
> Maybe. So have I. So have most of you. But someone with an agenda is
> unlikely to admit to inconvenient truths... they'll omit inconvenient
> words, or sentences, or paragraphs, or later reports, or updates. The
> safest assumption... it’s just what they do.
> Regards
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John F Sowa []
> Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2018 11:02 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Scientific inquiry does not involve matters
> Gene, Edwina, and Stephen,
> I have been traveling and working on some tight deadlines.  So I have not
> been able to read, much less comment on, most of the discussions.
> But I am reluctant to make long chains of questionable inferences from
> Peirce's writings and get into heated arguments about the different
> interpretations.
> I'd just like to make one observation about Thomas Gradgrind, whom Peirce
> mentioned in a remark that Gene quoted (March 12):
> > The Reign of Terror was very bad; but now the Gradgrind banner has
> > been this century long flaunting in the face of heaven, with an
> > insolence to provoke the very skies to scowl and rumble. Soon a flash
> > and quick peal will shake economists quite out of their complacency,
> > too late. The twentieth century, in its latter half, shall surely see
> > the deluge-tempest burst upon the social order
> > -- to clear upon a world as deep in ruin as that greed-philosophy has
> > long plunged it into guilt. No post-thermidorian high jinks then!”
> > (Evolutionary Love, 1893, 6.292).
> In Dickens' novel _Hard Times_, Gradgrind was, among other things, a
> teacher who summarized his educational philosophy in one phrase:
> "To fill the little pitchers full of facts".
> For Peirce, that slogan is extreme nominalism, which was at least as evil
> as the gospel of greed.  But in the novel, Gradgrind was a more complex
> character who had redeeming qualities and a change of heart and life at the
> end.
> For a brief summary of Gradgrind's portrayal by Dickens, see
> Since Gradgrind is a complex character and Peirce is even more complex, I
> have serious doubts about any attempt to make stronger inferences about
> Peirce's character or opinions than he stated explicitly.
> As for myself, I have never agreed with anyone else's paraphrase of my
> opinions.  I always ask people to quote my exact words and not attribute
> their interpretations to me.  I would give Peirce the same benefit of the
> doubt.
> John
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