Jon S, List,

The diagram you have shared is not clear, at least not to me. Labels for the 
various parts of the diagrams, including the circles, triangles, lines and 
arrows  along explanations of what you are trying to illustrate would probably 
help along. I'd also appreciate some indication of how you are trying to 
illustrate the role of the different kinds of relations that are involved--both 
dyadic and triadic.



Jeffrey Downard
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Northern Arizona University
(o) 928 523-8354

From: Jon Alan Schmidt <>
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2018 9:45 AM
To: Peirce-L
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Three Interpretants

Gary F., List:

I have trouble translating Peirce's assignments of the two Objects and three 
Interpretants in these two specific examples into coherent and mutually 
compatible definitions for them.  Obviously one possible explanation for this 
is that I simply do not correctly understand his theory of semeiotic.  As we 
have noted before, our learning styles and ways of thinking are evidently quite 
different--I seek a single definition for each term, such that they all fit 
together within a comprehensive model.  My objective is to integrate everything 
in a way that makes sense to me, and then try to explain it in a way that makes 
sense to others; but since Peirce himself offered different and sometimes 
conflicting definitions, others will always be able to quibble with any such 
model and cite him to bolster their case.

I am also not content to leave certain questions open just because Peirce did.  
As Gary R. has noted, he fully expected his successors to go well beyond the 
groundwork that he laid as "a pioneer, or rather a backwoodsman" (EP 2:413; 
1907).  While there is indeed disagreement among Peirce scholars about how to 
reconcile the various names and trichotomies of Interpretants, I do not recall 
ever coming across a single passage in his own writings where he indicated that 
there are more than three.  Are you aware of any?

I tried to explain my initial reasoning with an example, and then with a 
Were you also unable to follow that reasoning?


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman<> -<>

On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 10:53 AM, 
<<>> wrote:
In that 1909 letter to James, Peirce is using examples of signs to give James 
an idea of what he means by “sign”, “object,” “interpretant” and how he 
distinguishes between subtypes of them. I read it by applying those terms to 
those examples (and more generally to those types of signs). What more “light” 
is needed? I don’t know what you mean by “making heads or tails” of it. Maybe 
that’s why I can’t make heads or tails of your reasoning.
One of the questions Peirce left open is the one I asked you, whether the 
different trichotomies of interpretants differ in identity or in name only. (At 
least, I know there is disagreement among Peircean scholars on that point, and 
I don’t know of any text where Peirce directly answers that question.) As far 
as I can tell, you are proceeding on the assumption that there are only three 
interpretants despite the plethora of names for them, and trying to come up a 
meta-schema that will sort out the names by reducing them to three concepts. I 
see no need to do that, and I’m stymied by your hypotheses because I see no way 
to evaluate them inductively. Anyway, if I could follow your reasoning, I 
wouldn’t be getting its implications wrong, as you say I did.
Gary f.
} Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can 
go. [T.S. Eliot] { }{ Turning Signs gateway
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