Jerry C., List:

I am not sure what you are requesting; this is only a first step toward
assessing the viability and potential usefulness of my alternative
theoretical framework for Speculative Grammar.

Please note that I utilized five trichotomies, not three; and only two of
them are ones that Peirce included in his 1903 taxonomy.

Are you seeking "a logical argument that states a proposition" to support
each listed example (and perhaps others) as being in that class?

Are you only interested in differentiating the six classes that are
Arguments, or all 21 proposed classes for Instances of Signs?

I do not have John Sowa's book; perhaps you (or he) could post Figure 6.14
to help me understand what you have in mind.


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman -

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 10:44 PM, Jerry LR Chandler <> wrote:

> List, Jon:
> I personally find it difficult to understand the significance of your
> creation.
> It would become meaningful if you looked at the three trichotomies and
> your derivatives as meaningful systems of argumentation.
> That is, for each term, associate it (and as many other terms as needed)
> with a logical argument that states a proposition.
> Thats all.
> Just show me that it is pragmatically useful for separating out closely
> related argumentative styles or types.
> You might look at John Sowa’s Fig. 6.14, p. 397, as an example of what I
> am referring to.
> Cheers
> Jerry
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