Jerry C, to answer your question,

In that post, was not trying to say anything about the chemical sciences as 
they exist today; and Peirce himself was not trying to inform his readers about 
chemical science when he adopted the “valency” analogy to construct a 
hypothesis about the elements of the phaneron. This thread is about 
phaneroscopy, and about Peirce’s development of that science. When I use the 
term “chemistry” in this thread, I am referring to the universe of discourse 
from which Peirce drew the concept of valency — which was, of course, the 
chemical science of his time. In the context you are quoting from, I was trying 
to distinguish among three applications of the term “medad.” I don’t know 
whether anyone other than Peirce ever used that term to denote an element (such 
as argon) which does not react or combine with others; I’m only concerned with 
Peirce’s own usage of it in phaneroscopic analysis.

By the way, I didn’t respond to your earlier question as to what Peirce had in 
mind when he referred to the “dark Mamoth cave of inorganic chemistry” because 
I have no better idea of what he’s talking about than you do. Actually, I am 
leaning toward the possibility that Peirce, in drafting the “Bedrock” essay, 
simply and accidentally switched the terms “organic” and “inorganic” in that 
passage. One hesitates to ascribe such a mistake to Peirce, but there are 
several such mistakes in that draft which indicate to me that Peirce abandoned 
the draft and never went back to revise it. The misspelling of the name of the 
Mammoth Cave in Kentucky is another clue that points in this direction. I have 
no better suggestion to account for Peirce’s rather strange remarks about 
inorganic chemistry in the “Bedrock” draft — actually I was hoping someone else 

Gary f.


From: Jerry LR Chandler <> 
Sent: 30-Mar-19 20:02
To: Peirce List <>
Cc: Gary Fuhrman <>
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Phaneroscopy and logic


List, Gary:


On Mar 30, 2019, at 2:21 PM, <>  


In chemistry, a medad is an atom of valency zero,


As far as I am aware, the term “medad”

is not now used in the chemical sciences and 

I can not recall ever seeing this term in the 

technical literature of the chemical sciences.


Gary, is this phrase of your personal construction?





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