Jon, list,

Today I’d like to get back to your post of 31 March and follow up on some of 
your comments in your reply to a prior post of mine — just to check my 
impression that we’re singing the same song, as it were, in this thread:


GF (earlier):  The upshot of this, if I understand it, is that a spot of 
teridentity may be regarded either as a rhema, which is a general concept, or 
as a denoted individual, which (by definition) is not general, but is identical 
to the three extremities of the graph of teridentity.

JAS:  I suggest that a Spot of Teridentity by itself is a Seme for the 
continuous predicate, "_____ is identical to _____ and to _____"; while a Graph 
of Teridentity--a Spot of Teridentity with three loose-ended Lines of Identity 
attached--represents the Proposition, "something is identical to something and 
to something."

GF (now): As Peirce says in the Prolegomena (CP 4.561), “Two lines cannot abut 
upon the same peg other than a point of teridentity. (The purpose of this rule 
is to force the recognition of the demonstrable logical truth that the concept 
of teridentity is not mere identity. It is identity and identity, but this 
“and” is a distinct concept, and is precisely that of teridentity.)” This 
distinct concept is of course triadic, and is indecomposable in a way analogous 
to Thirdness as a type of indecomposable element of the phaneron. One thing 
that distinguishes it from the dyadic line of identity is that by combining 
teridentities in various ways, we can produce concepts of any -adicity (as 
illustrated on EP2:364). We might say that teridentity is the root of 
plurality, or better, of complexity in systems.

My post previous to this one quoted Peirce’s statement that the line of 
identity should be understood “to be potentially the graph of teridentity by 
which means there always will virtually be at least one loose end in every 
graph. In fact, it will not be truly a graph of teridentity but a graph of 
indefinitely multiple identity” (CP 4.583). One of Peirce’s drafts for that 
April 1906 address provides some background thinking that leads up to this 
idea, and brings other logical, semiotic, cognitive and metaphysical dimensions 
to the explanation of EGs:

[[ In this system, every sign, and every complete part of a sign, that is, 
everything which if it stood alone would be a sign, is of a nature to be fully 
interpreted in a proposition. We shall see how that perfectly provides for 
arguments and for names of all kinds. … The signs it represents are signs 
presented as cognitive, that is as conformed to a real object. By real, I 
always mean that which is such as it is whatever you or I or any generation of 
men may opine or otherwise think that it is. There must not be any confusion 
between reality and exteriority[:] that is real which is as it is no matter 
what one may think about it. The external is that which is as it is whatever 
one may think about anything. No doubt there are grades of reality, meaning 
that objects of signs may yield with more or less resistance to opinion or 
other representation. According to the definition absolute resistance is 
essential to reality. But an approach to reality, something that is not in the 
slightest of the nature of pretense is found wherever an object of thought is 
sufficiently obstinate to enable us to say, it has not these characters, but it 
does have these. There is already a lesson in logic. Namely that one may lay 
down the very best of definitions, going to the very heart of things; and yet 
there will be, as it were, a little living mouse of a quasi-exception which 
will find or make a hole to get in when all seemed hermetically closed. This 
mouse will not be a mere pest to be got rid of and forgotten. It will be a 
fellow being to be remembered and to be appraised.  ] MS 498, Pietarinen 
transcription published in Synthese (2015) ]

That little living mouse is, for me anyway, another metaphor for the “at least 
one loose end in every graph, and for the mode of being represented in EGs by 
the potential for the line of identity to be a graph of teridentity or multiple 
identity. Reality in logic and metaphysics is primarily a matter of 
“resistance” (Secondness), but cognitive reality is always a matter of 
Thirdness — Thirdness crucially involving Secondness but allowing for degrees 
of reality.

There’s much more to say about your March 31 post, Jon (and those which 
followed it), but that’s all I have time for right now.

Gary f.


From: Jon Alan Schmidt <> 
Sent: 31-Mar-19 20:18
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Phaneroscopy and logic


Gary F., List:


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