Jon ,
On the following point, we agree.  And since Gary R takes
your side in all these issues, I wish you would tell him to accept
JAS> I find it extremely inappropriate to make sweeping
judgments about who
is (or is not) capable of understanding Peirce's writings and discussing
 them intelligently.  After all, "Different people have such wonderfully
 different ways of thinking" (CP 6.462, EP 2:437, 1908).  Some are more
inclined toward and adept at abstract theory, others prefer to pursue
concrete applications, and others (like Peirce himself) can do
But the point I was making is that if you want to understand
Peirce, you must read his writings as coming from someone who spent a
lifetime doing both.  
Unfortunately, the various collections (CP,
W, and NEM) ignore a huge amount of his background in mathematics,
science, and engineering.   They emphasize the results of his thinking,
but they skip the details about his practice.
Examples:  His father
taught him Greek, Latin, and mathematics from early childhood.  He was
doing chemistry experiments from the age of 8, and he worked his way
through the kinds of experiments a college student would be doing.  He
read his brother's logic textbook, cover to cover, when he was 12.  And he
published a pioneering book in astronomy in his first full-time job at the
Harvard observatory.
None of us can redo our early childhood
experience.  But when we read any theoretical statement by Peirce, we must
remember his background, his criteria for evidence, and his 60+ years of
empirical/critical methods
As Peirce said, it's indeed wonderful
that different people have very different ways of thinking.  But in order
to understand any of them, we must recognize their background in order to
understand how and why they came to their conclusions. Otherwise, the
evaluation is incomplete or superficial at best, misguided or false at
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