Dear Michael, list,

Here is an example of “system of sensing”:

*Hegseth, an outspoken supporter of President Donald Trump who ran for a
Minnesota Senate seat in 2012, has previously urged "healthy people" to
"have some courage" and attempt to contract the coronavirus in order to
build "herd immunity." *

*"The governor can say the state is closed, but if we the people say the
state is open, then ultimately there's not a lot you can do if every
business steps out," Hegseth said while surrounded by protesters outside
Atilis Gym on Monday. *

*"That's pretty much the definition of responsible civil disobedience."*

So what do *you* propose as the prescription from Pragmatism,

the “feedback from the final interpretant situation into the emotional and
motor reflexes”?

From where I stand, it all appears vague.

I mean, what in the world is PREDESTINATE opinion, as some have raised?


Jerry R

On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 4:27 PM <> wrote:

> List,
> Whilst there can be an infinite amount of interpreting by a potentially
> limitless community, final interpretant isn't this.
> Alongside descriptions by for example Donna Williams, a writer on
> neurology, the immediate interpretant corresponds to the pure perception
> part of colour, shape, space, sounds, scent etc, and the dynamical one
> is the emotional and motor reflexes ensuing either "automatically" or by
> habit (fright, delight, retraction from danger) - Donna calls these two
> combined the "system of sensing"; while the final interpretant comprises
> those concepts one is used to adding, or freshly figures out, namely the
> meaning or signification - Donna's "system of interpretation".  When one
> is unwell or is in delayed development, these occur in sequence or the
> latter one(s) don't readily happen.
> In addition, there is feedback from the final interpretant situation
> into the emotional and motor reflexes, e.g one decides it is horrible or
> realises it is dangerous or recognises a thing one likes; this might
> follow by a split second or, if a thing is new to one, longer.
> The same set of processes occur when the concretes are imagined and even
> when they are fairly abstract.  This is because imagination is the
> laboratory or workshop atop our shoulders.  Memory outputs into
> imagination and so we can feel, analyse and discuss our memories.
> The central nervous system (CNS) handles the symbolism in the sensory
> epistemology arising from physical reality, and there can be infinite
> layers of symbols of symbols.
> Words allude, and when several of these intersect, we can have a
> meaning.  This is why reifying (which I see as taking "literally
> literally") doesn't work.
> Any comments welcome.
> Michael Mitchell - linguist - UK
> On 2020-05-18 21:04, Cécile Menieu-Cosculluela wrote:
> > Why not? I thought it did sound very interesting indeed
> >
> > -------------------------
> >
> > DE: "Jerry Rhee" <>
> > À: "Helmut Raulien" <>
> > CC: "Gary Fuhrman" <>, "peirce-l"
> > <>
> > ENVOYÉ: Lundi 18 Mai 2020 21:18:19
> > OBJET: Re: RE: [PEIRCE-L] To put an end to the false debate on the
> > classification of signs
> >
> > Dear Helmut, list,
> >
> > What an interesting observation.
> >
> > _meh_.. I don’t believe it.
> >
> > With best wishes,
> > Jerry R
> >
> > On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 1:25 PM Helmut Raulien <>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> List
> >>
> >> do I understand it correctly, that the paradoxon here is, that the
> >> final interpretant is the first element in logical order, but the
> >> last in temporal order? In this case I would propose a solution
> >> attempt like this: The truth works as a motive, a quest for it,
> >> although it is not yet achieved. People (animals, organisms,
> >> molecules?) have a feeling, intuition, instinct, internalised law or
> >> axiom, that everything has or would have a true representation. This
> >> final interpretant, though not realised, does nevertheless do its
> >> work for the sign this way here and now.
> >>
> >> Best,
> >> Helmut
> >>
> >> 18. Mai 2020 um 17:18 Uhr
> >>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> Robert, is it your intention to argue that communication cannot
> >> “succeed” _at all_ unless the interpretant of the sign is
> >> completely determinate, and identically so for all communicants?
> >>
> >> Would you likewise say that knowledge is not actual, or real, unless
> >> it is absolute and unquestionable?
> >>
> >> Gary f.
> >>
> >> FROM: robert marty <>
> >> SENT: 18-May-20 03:25
> >> TO: Jon Alan Schmidt <>
> >> CC: Peirce-L <>
> >> SUBJECT: Re: [PEIRCE-L] To put an end to the false debate on the
> >> classification of signs
> >>
> >> Jon Alan, List
> >>
> >> I repeat this debate with you and it leads me to ask you a
> >> preliminary question that I should have asked you on September 22,
> >> 2018, but I probably did not have very clear ideas 18 months ago.
> >> Here it is: what you say this:
> >>
> >> " The DESTINATE Interpretant is what the Sign is destined to signify
> >> at the end of infinite inquiry by an infinite community; i.e., the
> >> Final Interpretant"?
> >>
> >> Because this quote troubles me a little: " In that second part, I
> >> call "truth" the PREDESTINATE opinion,17 by which I ought to have
> >> meant that which would ultimately prevail if investigation were
> >> carried sufficiently far in that particular direction." (The
> >> Essential Peirce A Sketch of Logical Critics  p.457)
> >>
> >> It seems to me in complete fact that if this were the case the whole
> >> of humanity would be doomed to wait until the end of eternity to
> >> succeed in its first communication. Unless an immanent power
> >> deposits it in all minds at the moment of the perception of the
> >> sign? Should we read "predestinate"?
> >>
> >> Because there's a perception, isn't there? You will not be able to
> >> escape the chronology until the end of time: the signs that actually
> >> occur in social life must be taken care of by the theory of signs,
> >> shaped to be subjected to analysis, debated ... Etc... Otherwise
> >> what are we doing here?
> >>
> >> Best regards,
> >>
> >> Robert
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