[image: European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy]

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XIII-2, 2021 – Pragmatist Ethics: Theory and Practice
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The 2021/2 issue of the EJPAP will host a symposium on the theme of *Pragmatist
Ethics: Theory and Practice*, exploring the many ways in which the
contribution of pragmatism to moral philosophy and the moral life has been
argued for. In particular, the symposium is interested in gathering
contributions exploring the distinctive nature, shape, and limits of a
pragmatist mindset in moral matters.

It is in fact rather curious that, despite pragmatism engaged in a radical
reconfiguration of the ethical landscape – both within and without
philosophy –, and often presented its own methodological cipher in ethical
terms – that is as a call for a practicalization and re-evaluation of
experience, language, and conduct itself –, still it is rather unclear
exactly *how *this option is any different from the ones performed by
kindred traditions (*e.g.* Marxism, critical theory, and some selected
strands of analytic philosophy; or, going further back, Stoicism and
ancient skepticism), or *if *it is at all. Furthermore, the two main
directives along which a pragmatist approach to ethics has been articulated
are quite at odds with each other, advocating now a pragmatic variety of
moral theorizing – in which duties, rights, goods, and the virtues are seen
as aspects of the moral life or tools for its amelioration (Dewey, C.I.
Lewis, E. Anderson, C. Misak) –, now the obliteration of moral theorizing
altogether – in favour of a therapeutic conception of moral reflection
aimed at self-transformation and care (James, Putnam, Rorty, J.D. Wallace,
C. Koopman). Still others attempted a middle way in which pragmatism is
coupled now with Darwinism (P. Kitcher, L. McGranahan), now with the social
sciences (R.J. Bernstein, C. West, M.M. Adams) to craft a moral methodology
equally engaged in figuring out the best normative solution to ethical
puzzles and in rethinking the problematic situation as one in which what is
called for is a work of the self on the self.

Authors are encouraged to submit contributions covering any aspect of
pragmatist ethics, either focusing on selected figures of the tradition, or
suggesting distinctive overall pictures of the pragmatist approach(es).

Papers should be sent to Sarin Marchetti (sarin.marche...@uniroma1.it) by
30 July 2021. They should not exceed 8,000 words and must include an
abstract of 150-400 words and a list of works cited. Papers will be
selected on the basis of a process of blind review. They will be published
in October 2021.

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