Thanks for the URL of that article.   I changed the
subject line to the title of
full title is "Inference as growth: Peirce’s ecstatic logic of
illation", and I want to emphasize that this article is talking about
illation as a process, not as a particular sign for if-then,
Latin verb 'infero' is irregular.  Its present participle 'inferens' is
the source of the English word 'inference'.  Its past participle 'illatus'
is the source of the words 'illation' and 'illative'.
When Peirce
said that 'ergo' (therefore) is a sign of illation that signals the end of
a process.  Modern logicians use the term 'rule of inference' for what
Peirce called 'permission'.  The present participle suggests one step of a
continuing process.
The article makes some good points, but it
should not be considered as an argument for the scroll as a logical
primitive.  Peirce's permissions (in every version of EGs from 1897 to the
end) depend only insertions and deletions in negative or positive areas. 

A scroll is just one particular arrangement.  As Peirce wrote in
R670, a scroll is equivalent to a nest of two negations.  In L231 and
later, he raised his pen when he drew two ovals in order to avoid any
suggestion that the scroll shape had any significance.   
There is,
of course, more to say.

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