
> On Jul 25, 2021, at 12:11 PM, Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca> wrote:
> Yes, of course. I see what you mean. His categories are indeed 'innate 
> semiosic predispositions'...and are indeed necessary initial conditions. 
> Exactly.
> And that's where mathematics comes in - to outline the nature of these 
> categories, which we then use to examine the phaneron.
Your continued development of your substantial capacities is impressive!

An enthusiastic YES! to your assertions.

The next STEP (in the logical diagram) in analysis is to ask the biological 
question, HOW to the mathematical groundings come into existence?

Is it possible that molecular biological dynamics GROUND the innate 
capabilities to which you refer?
Is it possible that the atomic numbers ground the molecular biological dynamics?
Is it possible that the CSP anticipated this chemical grounding of the phaneron?
( Note that this line of formal  associative logics is remote from the set 
theory logic of Husserl’s phenomenology!)

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