Margaretha, List,

Welcome to active participation on the List. What a wonderful introductory
post! I hope your questions as to "whether Peirce had a unique theory of
metaphor" and what that might be are discussed here. And I might remark
that I too have a keen interest in what you referred to as Peirce's
"semiotic triangles." You might take a look at this paper of mine, esp.
Section 4: Triadic Semeiotic:

Your ideas and suggestive metaphors about how List discussion might be
improved -- along with the suggestions by John Sowa and Gary Furhman which
Jon Alan Schmidt just quoted -- if taken up in the spirit of collegiality,
could help improve communication here considerably. I hope they won't be
rejected out of hand. As you wrote: " It is all a manner of deliberate and
critical self-reflection on what one gets from being and participating on
this ListServ."


Gary R

“Let everything happen to you
Beauty and terror
Just keep going
No feeling is final”
― Rainer Maria Rilke

*Gary Richmond*
*Philosophy and Critical Thinking*
*Communication Studies*
*LaGuardia College of the City University of New York*

On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 3:04 PM Margaretha Hendrickx <>

> Hi all.
> Yes, I believe it can be fixed.  It is a manner of deliberate and careful
> attention to the metaphors one uses while arguing, Lakoff & Johnson's 
> *Metaphors
> We Live By *opened my eyes to the choices we have on *how *to argue:
> - argument as war
> - argument as a tennis tournament
> - argument as constructing a cathedral
> - argument as dance
> - argument as repairing a ship in the middle of the sea
> - argument as computer programming
> Each one of these metaphors sets up written argumentation in subtly
> different form highlighting subtly different dimensions and downplaying
> others.  It is all a manner of deliberate and critical self-reflection on
> what one gets from being and participating on this ListServ.
> In case you wonder about my agenda, I am on this list to learn more on the
> received views on semiotic triangles, and how to generate more global
> awareness about this structure, and how to use it effectively precisely to
> reduce the likelihood of frustrating misunderstandings.
> But I have to admit that I needed to be educated about the omnipresence of
> spatial metaphors in human communicative processes before I fully grasped
> how to put semiotic triangles to work.
> I am still learning about whether Peirce had a unique theory of metaphor
> usage or whether there is such a thing as Peirce's own metaphor
> theory-in-use.
> So far, Stephen Pepper's (1942) *World Hypotheses * has been most helpful
> for me to put the work of Lakoff and Johnson in the larger context.
> My very best, Margaretha H.
> On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 2:29 PM Edwina Taborsky <> wrote:
>> Jerry - yes, we know what the problem is. The question is:
>> 1] How do we fix it? And even..
>> 2] Can it be fixed?
>> My answer to 2 is: No. Because we can't deal with 1.
>> Edwina
>> On Wed 06/10/21 2:10 PM , Jerry Rhee sent:
>> Dear Edwina, Jerry, Bernard, list,
>> Why so pessimistic?
>> I mean, we at least profess a dogmatic view that Peirce was a great
>> philosopher,
>> and as such, we would at least follow his method of mediation, amirite?
>> .. because ‘spring to action’ and all that..
>> So then, what does one do, as Peirceans, when faced with tribal behavior
>> in our own midst?
>> For the problem can be stated as thus:
>> And before a crowd means among the ignorant:
>> for surely, among those who know, he will not be more convincing..
>> Therefore when the rhetorician is more convincing than the doctor,
>> the ignorant is more convincing among the ignorant than the expert.
>> With best wishes,
>> Jerry R
>> On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 12:58 PM Edwina Taborsky <>
>> wrote:
>>> I think it is very difficult to change this list.  It can be difficult
>>> to post, since one is so frequently met with, not a discussion, but
>>> authoritative assertions of 'No, Peirce did not say/mean...that'...
>>> One doesn't find words like: "In my understanding' or 'in my view'. Or
>>> 'I think that'.  Instead, it's authoritative verbiage that is quite
>>> relentless in claiming that you are quite wrong, you are not genuinely
>>> following Peirce...and so on.
>>> It's almost like a tribal syndrome, where a few people consider
>>> themselves 'Genuine Members of the Peirce Tribe'..and others are viewed as
>>> outsiders with little claim or right to discuss the issues - and certainly
>>> cannot claim membership with the select few.
>>> I doubt if this can change.
>>> Edwina
>>> On Wed 06/10/21 1:30 PM , Bernard Morand sent:
>>> Thanks Jerry for this reply and support.
>>> Unfortunately I have no complete answer to your pertinent question:
>>> "What practical steps are necessary to re-enliven our community and our
>>> communications? "
>>> Perhaps some listers actually silent have good ideas about that. They
>>> ought to be encouraged to manifest themselves in some kind of "one hundred
>>> flowers" campaign.
>>> Regards
>>> Bernard
>>> Le 06/10/2021 à 18:03, Jerry LR Chandler a écrit :
>>> Bernard:
>>> On Aug 27, 2021, at 5:33 PM, Bernard Morand <>
>>> wrote:
>>> It is a good illustration of my feeling about the bad quality level of
>>> the discussions on Peirce-l.
>>> My feelings are fully parallel with yours.
>>> Your articulative description of the styles of communication denotes the
>>> essential nature of the subjective logical fallacies that constrain the
>>> discussions to the very, very  narrow interests of some scholars.
>>> Such styles, while offering a sense of historical truth functions,
>>> ignore the historically historic roots of CSP writings in centuries of
>>> earlier scholarship as well as his extreme breath of knowledge and
>>> imagination in mathematics, logic, physics, chemistry and multiple natural
>>> languages, thereby reducing brilliance to dullness.  The consequence is the
>>> turning of lively ideas into deadly boredom.  (If not even more deadly
>>> complete mis-representation.)
>>> What practical steps are necessary to re-enliven our community and our
>>> communications?
>>> Cheers
>>> Jerry
>>> Postscript for Robert Marty:  Do you believe that CSP’s logic is
>>> congruent with Robinson arithmetic?    :-).
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