
My paper has now been published officially in *Semiotica*, volume 2022,
issue 246, pp. 211-223.


Jon S.

On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 1:43 PM Jon Alan Schmidt <>

> List:
> The subject line is the title of my paper that has just been published
> online by *Semiotica* ( and will
> presumably appear in an upcoming issue of that journal. Here is the
> abstract.
> The semeiotic of Charles Sanders Peirce is irreducibly triadic, positing
> that a sign mediates between the object that determines it and the
> interpretant that it determines. He eventually holds that each sign has two
> objects and three interpretants, standardizing quickly on immediate and
> dynamical (or real) for the objects but experimenting with a variety of
> names for the interpretants. The two most prominent terminologies are
> immediate/dynamical/final and emotional/ energetic/logical, and scholars
> have long debated how they are related to each other. This paper seeks to
> shed new light on the matter by reviewing the numerous manuscript drafts
> where Peirce develops the latter nomenclature while attempting to introduce
> his pragmatism to a general audience. It then goes on to examine an
> additional set of interpretants, intentional/effectual/communicational, and
> shows that the three different trichotomies can be understood as
> complementary, rather than redundant or conflicting.
> I previously concurred with T. L. Short's view that the first two
> trichotomies are orthogonal to each other--immediate, dynamical, and final
> interpretants as possible, actual, and habitual effects of signs are
> divisible into emotional, energetic, and logical interpretants as feelings,
> actions/exertions, and thoughts/signs. However, careful study of the
> multiple drafts for "Pragmatism" (R 318-322&324, 1907), the only texts
> where Peirce employs the terminology of emotional/energetic/logical
> interpretants, convinced me that James Liszka and Brendan Lalor are
> correct after all--they are the familiar manifestations of
> immediate/dynamical/final interpretants in concrete human semiosis, which
> we experience as "modifications of consciousness" (R 318:308-309[50-51],
> CP 5.485, EP 2:411). Moreover, a logical interpretant can be a mere
> apprehension, another sign as a verbal definition, or (ultimately) a
> general mental habit--thus corresponding to the first, second, or third
> grade of clearness in accordance with Peirce's pragmat(ic)ism.
> Turning to his March 1906 letter to Lady Welby (EP 2:478), it seems fairly
> straightforward to identify the effectual interpretant, as a determination
> of the mind of the interpreter, with the dynamical interpretant. However, I
> continue to disagree with the general consensus on aligning the intentional
> and communicational interpretants with the immediate and final
> interpretants, respectively. I maintain instead that the intentional
> interpretant, as a determination of the mind of the utterer, is a dynamical
> interpretant of a *previous *sign of the same object; while the
> communicational interpretant, as a determination of the commind into which
> the minds of the utterer and interpreter are fused or welded by the sign
> itself, is the immediate interpretant that is *internal *to that sign.
> The final interpretant is absent from this passage because it is the *telos
> *or ideal aim of semiosis, and the phenomenon being discussed is a
> discrete event prescinded from that continuous process.
> Regards,
> Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
> Structural Engineer, Synechist Philosopher, Lutheran Christian
> /
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