Jack, List:

An OpenAI account is required for the link, which I do not have. If you
sincerely desire my feedback on your alleged "proof," then please provide
your summary (formal argumentation) in a List post. Note that even if its
conclusions are deductively *valid*, it is not *sound *unless all its
terminology is clear (not vague) and consistent (not equivocal), and all
its premisses are true. I suspect that there will continue to be
disagreement, especially about that last requirement.

One immediate comment is that "thing in itself" and "essence" are not
synonymous as employed historically within philosophy/metaphysics.
Demonstrating that every dynamical object of a sign has an "essence" that
makes it what it is would not be the same as demonstrating that it is
ultimately an incognizable "thing in itself." Like "value," these terms
seem to be central to your "proof" and thus need rigorous definitions for
how they are being used in this particular context.


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Structural Engineer, Synechist Philosopher, Lutheran Christian
www.LinkedIn.com/in/JonAlanSchmidt / twitter.com/JonAlanSchmidt

On Fri, Jun 2, 2023 at 12:02 PM JACK ROBERT KELLY CODY <
jack.cody.2...@mumail.ie> wrote:

> Dear Jon/Helmut and List,
> https://chat.openai.com/c/3d2e555a-cd5a-4ff5-8e34-8bd153ca2865
> The above is but a summary of the "proof". It is, as far as I can make it,
> the simplest means of sharing at this moment in time. The logical series is
> accurate - that is, it is ontologically consistent and derives the
> necessary existence of the "thing in itself" qua "essence" (as "X").
> These formalisms, logical, I have been engaging with now for a long time.
> I publish soon - but am happy to provide overview, done as
> quasi-Socratic-heurism with CHATGPT, prior to that publication (as any
> criticisms from this list would be well received by me - that is, to refine
> my argument, particularly that natural language component wherein I'll have
> to synthesize vast amounts of Hume/Kant/Hegel (and more, with Peirce
> obviously being present).
> Best wishes
> Jack
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