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[image: American Philosophical Association]

Dear Gary,

Paper submissions for the 2025 APA Central Division meeting are now open.
All current members of the APA are invited to submit a paper for
presentation at the meeting, which will be held entirely online. Sessions
will be held on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of two consecutive weeks:
February 20–22 and February 27–March 1, 2025.

If your membership is not current, renew today
*The deadline to submit a paper is 5 p.m. Central Time on Monday, June 3.*

Submissions are accepted only through the APA’s submission website. For
those who are not familiar with the submission system, we have created a
short video
that covers the submission process. Before submitting, please read through
the paper submission guidelines
Submissions that do not follow the guidelines will not be reviewed.

Two New Submission Options for the 2025 Central Division Meeting

This year, in addition to colloquium and symposium sessions, papers may be
submitted for two new session types—*pre-read sessions* and *public forums*.
For more information about the new submission options, visit the paper
submission site


Papers are refereed in the summer and authors are informed in August
whether their papers have been accepted. The full program will be published
online in December 2024.

If you are interested in commenting or chairing, you may submit your
information online
Please bear in mind that there are usually many more who are interested in
commenting or chairing than there are program slots to be filled and that
the program committee also invites authors of papers that are not accepted
to serve as commentators or chairs for other submitted papers. You can sign
up to comment or chair even if you are also submitting a paper, but *in
order to preserve the anonymity of the reviewing process, please do not
mention that you have submitted a paper*. All session participants,
including presenters, commentators, and chairs, must register for the

We thank all those who participated in this year's meeting and look forward
to another excellent conference next year.

Papers in any area of philosophy, including teaching philosophy, are
welcome. *Submit your paper today!

All the best,

Mike Morris

Deputy Director

The American Philosophical Association

University of Delaware

31 Amstel Avenue, Newark, DE 19716

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[image: Higher Logic]
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