
I remember NEM listing for something like a King's Ransom,
like a lot of books out of Hyperborea.  I was lucky enough
to find all but the 1st volume in a used bookstore years ago,
but I do not know if there are any online alternatives today.

The analogy that connects the arity of relations and relative terms with
the valence of chemical atoms is one that Peirce exploited to good effect
in his logical graphs, entitative and existential, but all good analogies
must come to their breaking points sooner or later, frequently cracking on
both sides of the equation, and I can remember that valence bond theory was
already giving way to molecular orbital theory way back when I was in school.

In the section where I quoted Peirce's NEM 4 definition of the sign relation,
I saw a need to flesh out his text with the necessary glosses on the meanings
of the other terms he invoked, especially the notions of "correspondence" and
and "determination" that he used elsewhere and that it would take to complete
the sense of what he wrote.



Jerry LR Chandler wrote:
Irving, Jon, List:

Thanks for your posts on CSP and Logic.

Irving: after reading your recent papers and your post here, I am curious about 
a two questions:

Do you have a crisp exposition on what factors separate CSP's notion of logic 
from Hilbert's formalizations?

Do you have a personal definition of inference?


Thanks for posting NEM 4, 20-21.
I do not have NEM in my library and now wonder if I should purchase it.

In reading CSPs various writings, I find that he had a deep understanding of 
the logic of chemistry and his rhetoric about logic was consistent with the 
understanding of chemistry as it stood in his time. This includes the quote 
from NEM 4, 20-21.

In reading your website, Cf.

I find that your narrative is not consistent with chemical signs in the sense 
of Things - Representation - Form and the calculations used by CSP to relate 
empirical observations to iconic representations.
Thus, I conclude that you are adding something to CSPs meanings.



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