
I suggest that this is a very good question, but I think that we have
to consider Hilbert's position as an unfinished product and a moving
target. Probably the best indication can be gotten by considering that
there is not so much *a* "Hilbert program" as there are "Hilbert
programs" (see, e.g. Wilfried Sieg's SIEG, "Hilbert's Programs,
1917–1922", Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 5 (1999), 1-44).

I would therefore preface my answer by noting that I think it important
to remember that Hilbert was a mathematician first and foremost, and
that, although interested in philosophical issues in foundations of
mathematics, did not systematically develop his formalism. He is better
considered an amateur at philosophy. Apart from his handful of brief
publications such as "Axiomatische Denken" and "Die logischen
Grundlagen der Mathematik", there is, e.g. his correspondence with
Frege and his unpublished lectures. The best early articulation of
Hilbert's formalism is probably that given by John von Neumann in the
round-table discussion in 1930 on foundations, in which Heyting also
presented Brouwer's intuitionism and Carnap presented logicism, all
published in Erkenntnis in 1931.

All of this having been said, the best answer I can give is that, the
"points, lines, and planes" and "tables, chairs, and beer mugs" remark
aside, Hilbert would give different axiomatizations for different parts
of mathematics. That is to say, therwe is one set of axioms and
primitives suitable to develop, say, projective geometry, and another
for algebraic numbers; there is one suitable for Euclidean geometry and
another for metageometry. In the case of the latter, for example, one
needs to devise an axiom set that is powerful enough to develop all of
the theorems required for the articulation not only required for
Euclidean geometry, but also for hyperbolic geometry and elliptical
geometry, but which do not also generate superfluous theorems of other
theories. Hilbert's axiom system for geometry, then, is not the same
athat which he erected for physics.

What I think is the correct understanding of Hilbert's "throw-away"
remark about points, lines and planes and tables, chairs, and beer
mugs, is the more profound -- or perhaps more mundane -- idea that
axiom systems are sets of signs which are meaningless unless and until
they are interpreted, and by themselves, the only mathematically
legitimate characteristic of axiom systems is that they be
proof-theoretically sound, that is, the completeness, consistency, and
independence of the axiom system, and capable of allowing

valid derivation of all, and only those, theorems, required for the
piece of mathematics being investigated.

Irving H. Anellis
Visiting Research Associate
Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
902 W. New York St.
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5159

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