Dear List,

I am writing the Proemial for my forthcoming book "On The Origin Of Experience" 
and will appreciate your feedback. In particular, I ask that you challenge two 
things about it.  First, over the years of my work I have developed an aversion 
to using the term "consciousness," which seems to me to be too overloaded and 
vague to be useful. On the other hand Debbie (my wife) argues that it will 
interest people more if I use it. Second, the vague "transhumanism" concerns 

Imagine this is on the back of a book. Does it encourage you to read the book?

Proemial: On The Origin Of Experience

Imagine that you could discover something so profound that it would not only 
have a broad impact upon the entire species but the universe itself could not 
proceed, could not evolve, without consideration of it.

This speculation refers to the role an intelligent species capable of mastering 
the science of living systems plays in cosmology. Rather than viewing 
intelligent species as the end product of a developing universe, it suggests 
that they are simply a necessary step along the way. It observes that an 
intelligent species able to place life into environments in which it would not 
otherwise appear plays a role in the unfolding of the world.

Imagine, for example, that future Voyager spacecraft can be constructed with a 
fundamental understanding of what is required to build living, thinking, 
machines, machines that have the capability of any living system to heal and 

The intelligent creation of such machines, machines that experience, may be an 
essential part of nature's unfolding. This thought suggests that intelligent 
species, here and elsewhere in the universe, play a role in the natural 
dynamics of the unfolding world.

Such a species would become the evolved “intelligent designers” of life, 
extending life beyond the principles and necessities of arbitrary evolution, an 
inevitable part of nature's “plan” to move life beyond its dependence upon the 
environment in which it first evolves.

If this is the case then our species, along with other such species that may 
appear elsewhere, are not mere spectators but play a role in the unfolding of 
the world.

In recent decades we have made significant advances in understanding the 
science of the living. Modern biophysics has begun to show us the detailed 
composition and dynamics of biophysical structure. For the record, it's nothing 
like a modern computer system.

The results of this global effort are Galilean in their scope and pregnant with 
implication. It is surely only a matter of time before we move to the Newtonian 
stage in the development of our understanding and learn the details of how 
sense is formed and modified, the role that sense plays in our directed 
actions, and how intelligent thought functions.

Today, however, there is only a poor understanding of the mechanics of sense. 
Theorists have had little time to give the new data deep consideration.

Clearly, more biophysical experiments, more observational data, will help us. 
If we look at the history of science this period is analogous to the period 
before Newton, in which experimentalists and observers such as Galileo and 
Copernicus built the foundations of Newton's inquiry. A breakthrough of a kind 
similar to Newton's discovery of gravitation is required.

But to make this breakthrough it is the discipline of the logicians that we 
need to recall. Before the age of sterile twentieth century logic, when 
mathematical logic was first developed and before modern computers were 
invented, it is the logicians that concerned themselves with explaining the 
nature and operation of thought and sense. Recall that George Boole (1815-1864) 
entitled his work on logic The Laws Of Thought[1] and the founder of modern 
logic, Gottlob Frege (1848-1925), wrote the book entitled Sense And 
Reference[2]. I know from experience that it is a surprise to many that use 
logic everyday in their education and computing professions that the original 
concern of logicians is the operation of the senses and the mind. If we are to 
uncover the mechanics of sense and thought, if we are to understand the 
biophysical operation of the mind, then it is this earlier inquiry to which we 
must return.

My subject here is logic of the kind that existed before the current era. It is 
a logic informed by recent advances in biophysics. It explores solutions that 
could not have been considered by the founders of mathematical logic because 
they lacked this new data, and it takes steps toward a calculus for biophysics. 
It does not provide the final answer. This is because we propose that something 
new is to be discovered. But we do present an hypothesis that identifies 
exactly what that something is and how to find it. What is more, even if we 
discover the hypothesis is false we will learn something new and make progress.

The speculation above, that we can discover something so profound that it will 
not only have a broad impact upon the entire species but that the universe 
itself cannot proceed without it, will give philosophers something to talk 
about for generations. It amuses me, in any case. In the meantime we in 
science, and logic in particular, have work to do.

        Dr. Steven Ericsson-Zenith
        Institute for Advanced Science & Engineering

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