Uh oh, I have been called out.

I will share the link to my blog, *Immanent Transcendence*:
http://immanenttranscedence.blogspot.com/ .  The blog covers American,
continental, and cross-tradition thought, though I spent many months
discussing object-oriented ontology.  I tend to write fairly involved,
technical posts about American philosophy, especially process metaphysics,
phenomenology, and most things pragmatism.  There are a lot of Peircean
moments, but I am primarily a Dewey scholar and historian as well as
writing in realist phenomenology informed by process metaphysics.  A review
of old posts might be of interest, e.g., discussion with object-oriented
ontology, the implications and descriptions of the causal closure of
nature, what realist pragmatic phenomenology (per Dewey) is, etc.

Of note, I post almost every CFP on American philosophy that I can find,
and every post on pragmatism (pragmaticism).

The name *Immanent Transcendence *is meant to imply multiple things,
including emergent naturalism, ecstatic temporality, self-transcendence,
etc. It makes a lot more sense with triadic and modal views of reality, and
wherein time and chance are real features ... but we all know that's a
minority view in contemporary philosophy in English.

I sadly missed SAAP this year--the first time in 6 years.

   Jason Hills

On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 1:09 AM, Catherine Legg <cl...@waikato.ac.nz> wrote:

> For my part, I just want to say I enjoyed the SAAP session on Richard
> Robin very much, and it was particularly lovely to meet in person for the
> very first time those legendary behind-the-scenes supporters of Arisbe and
> the Peirce-L: Gary Richmond and Ben Udell! Guys, I never realised before
> quite how much you were doing to keep alive the Peirce online community,
> particularly since Joe's passing. Thank you. I know the work you do comes
> from a genuine passion for Peirce's ideas.
> 2 more members of this list who I happen to know have philosophical blogs
> are Jason Hills and Tom Gollier. I wonder whether they might be persuaded
> to share the URLs with everyone...:-)
> Cheers, Cathy
> On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 8:24 AM, Gary Richmond <gary.richm...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Ben, List,
>> I hope to 'file' a brief report to the list on SAAP in the next few days,
>> but wanted to quickly follow up on your remark concerning the philosophical
>> "sweethearts" attending the conference, at least some of those whose work
>> many list members may be familiar with including, Tom Short, Robert Lane,
>> Jaime Nubiola, and Cathy Legg. I did not get the opportunity to meet him
>> personally, but was able to ask Richard Bernstein a question at the Keynote
>> Panel organized to honor him and his work. He is clearly a sweetheart too.
>> Yes, philosophers can be really nice people!
>> Best,
>> Gary
>> On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 4:14 PM, Benjamin Udell <bud...@nyc.rr.com>wrote:
>>>  Jon, list,
>>> Let's toss Michael Shapiro's blog a link while we're at it.
>>> Language Lore http://www.languagelore.net/. Shapiro persistently
>>> brings a pragmatist's perspective to linguistics.
>>> I actually ventured into the S.A.A.P. session in honor of Richard Robin
>>> on Thursday and met some of the people whom I slightly know from online.
>>> Contrary to the reputations of philosophers in general as "mean," they were
>>> a bunch of what Gary Richmond called "sweethearts." One person
>>> self-identified as a linguist and made an interesting statement (but I
>>> wasn't taking notes). I wondered whether it was Michael Shapiro. Later I
>>> realized that I had omitted Shapiro's five-volume _*Peirce Seminar
>>> Series*_ from the Arisbe page of journals and book series. I've added
>>> it now http://www.cspeirce.com/journals.htm
>>> Some blogs and home pages are listed at
>>> http://www.cspeirce.com/individs.htm
>>> The blogs are those of some peirce-l members and, I've notice, aren't
>>> always focused on Peirce, but, well, they're blogs, we're not all focused
>>> on Peirce all the time.
>>> If anybody has a more-or-less Peirce-related blog or a home page that
>>> s/he would like to see added, please let me know.
>>> Best, Ben
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Jon Awbrey"
>>> Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2012 1:40 PM
>>> Subject: [peirce-l] Inquiry and Analogy in Aristotle and Peirce
>>> Peircers,
>>> A recent blog post by Michael Shapiro on “The Pragmatistic Force of
>>> Analogy in Language Structure”
>>> reminded me of some work I started on “Inquiry and Analogy in Aristotle
>>> and Peirce”, parts of which
>>> may be of service in our discussions of the “Categorical Aspects of
>>> Abduction, Deduction, Induction”.
>>> Here is the link --
>>> •
>>> http://mywikibiz.com/Directory:Jon_Awbrey/Papers/Functional_Logic_:_Inquiry_and_Analogy
>>> Regards,
>>> Jon
>>> --
>>> academia: http://independent.academia.edu/JonAwbrey
>>> inquiry list: http://stderr.org/pipermail/inquiry/
>>> mwb: http://www.mywikibiz.com/Directory:Jon_Awbrey
>>> oeiswiki: http://www.oeis.org/wiki/User:Jon_Awbrey
>>> word press blog 1: http://jonawbrey.wordpress.com/
>>> word press blog 2: http://inquiryintoinquiry.com/
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