A couple of comments on this passage from Forster and relating to S. Rose's 
1.  The 'plan' by which the universal intelligence works is not a 'fixed' or 
time(-space)-invariant 'plan'; (cf. likewise in Plato's Timaeus).
There is no way to reason forward to 'deduce' a better world without 
experimenting. We learn was is more valuable (better) only by a sort of blind 

What is 'really' valuable – the good – is inherently, by its very nature, 
incomprehensible. (Kantian insight)
(Incomprehensible because it develops qualitatively; the good keeps getting 
better. Socrates speech in Symposium: Love is never satisfied (closed).

2. The ultimate fate is not 'indeterminate' just locally 'underdetermined' – 
which is tied up with the developmental framework.
Each stage enables the exploration of the next possible stage of betterment.
The 'plan' and the 'intellect' self-referentially and recursively develop. They 
 emerge so that the important problems and questions for each generation are 
new and different yet built on previous advances. Like intellectual history – 
each advance is a sort of convergence and yet it opens new 'types of questions' 
and so is qualitatively emergent.

So the issues facing each generation are always qualitatively different.
The continuity of the narrative – what holds it (each generation and each era) 
together is what Hegel called the 'unfolding of an idea' – and the idea is 
Freedom is the ability to bring novel value into the world – to make the world 

Dewey later called this – the construction of the good.'


On Mar 22, 2012, at 1:23 PM, Gary Richmond wrote:

On [Peirce's] view, human beings are not cogs in a vast cosmic
mechanism, but rather are free, creative agents capable of
transforming the world though the active realization of intelligent
ideals. The ultimate fate of the world is indeterminate and there is
no guarantee that the forces of reasonableness will triumph.
Nevertheless, the potential for victory is there. All it requires, he
thinks, is a community of individuals who devote their energy to the
pursuit of truth and goodness, a community united, not by mutual
self-interest, but by a common love of reasonableness" (Forster, op.
cit., 245).

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