Despite all this there are several books on the history of logic eg Kneale & 

> Date: Tue, 1 May 2012 18:24:51 -0400
> From:
> Subject: [peirce-l]
> As an addendum to Nathan Houser's "The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the 
> Peirce Papers", it might be well to pass along parts of an email 
> exchange I had over the last few days with Ignacio Angelelli.
> Ignacio wrote on 29 April, in connection with our discussion of lack of 
> interest in history of logic in some quarters that:
> "Peirce's personal copy  of Studies
> in Logic is a good example. I.C. Lieb had received it as a gift from P
> Weiss around 1950 (how did P Weiss get it... oh well...) . Upon his
> death Lieb gave it to our Phil Dept in Austin. It was stored in the
> open stacks of the departmental library... can you imagine!  It took
> lots of paper work to have it transferred to the Humanities Research
> Library (where at least in theory my Hist of Log Collection continued
> to exist). It was finally catalogued as the little book deserves. But
> my point is that none of my logician colleagues was interested in such
> a beautiful volume, with so many handwritten remarks."
> In reply, I summarized the main points of Nathan's depressing article 
> on the abuse of such historically valuable material, and then reported 
> my recollection that Henry Aiken, whose T.A. I was in the early 1970s, 
> was among those who has alleged to have gleefully composed his own 
> lecture notes on the verso of original Peirce manuscripts that he 
> acquired when the Harvard philosophy department gave away some of 
> Peirce's papers as souvenirs. I personally can neither confirm nor 
> disconfirm these claims; I saw Aiken referring in his class lectures to 
> notes on clearly yellowing paper with writing on both sides, but never 
> got close enough to get a good look at those pages.
> In his latest communication in this discussion, Ignacio wrote (in part) 
> on 1 May regarding these "interesting comments on the Peirce library" 
> that:
> "When back in Austin I should look again into those
> items left to the Phil Dept little library by Chet Lieb, because I
> seem to remember there was another Peirce volume, a geometry or math
> book, of course no recollection of who was the author.  Alas, things
> and people change. I somehow forced the librarian to accept the
> Studies in Logic, as well as a set of papers left by Lieb."
> ...To be continued...?
> Irving H. Anellis
> Visiting Research Associate
> Peirce Edition, Institute for American Thought
> 902 W. New York Street
> Indiana University - Purdue University at Indianapolis
> Indianapolis, IN 46202-5157
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