Kirsti, Bernard, list

Caught up in a million and one pressing personal and profession matters, I won't for now be able to engage much in your mode of  inquiry, Kirsti (while I would like to experiment with it on-list soon when some deadlines for conference papers being reviewed, etc. are behind me). But let me for now just agree with you regarding a  tentative conclusion you've arrived at, or rather, a question you have about another's interpretation following your own textual analysis. First, quoting Bernard Morand, you wrote:
BM: I think more and more that the only topic on which this text is all about is nothing but METAPHYSICS.
KM: This I find very intriguing. Metaphysics is what Peirce explicitly says he wishes to avoid here. So, in terms of quotes, the answer would be negative. Still, it may not be the case. In fact, I'd tend to affirm the idea. Provisionally, of course.
As you no doubt know, I have tended to be of the same mind (commind?) as Bernard  and Martin Lefebvre in the discussion of the New Elements so far. However, I would tend to agree with your questioning Bernard's remark for I too see the New Elements fragment as NOT concerning itself with metaphysics. Perhaps Bernard will clarify his comment since he too has otherwise suggested that the New Elements is "all about logical structure."


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