Steven, List,

Posting links relating to Søren Brier's doctoral thesis: "Cybersemiotics - Why information is not enough!" Steven Ericsson Zenith wrote:

Because I think it relevant to Peirce-l ... :-)

I'll say! It is gratifying to see a towering synoptic intellect like Soren Brier's moving ever closer to Peirce's triadic semeiotic as essential towards the resolution of formidable problems in relating information, cognition and communication science, so that his most recent work exactly means to do this by integrating especially Niklas Luhmann's communicative theory with Peirce's semeiotic. Thank you for posting links to this work as it got me quickly to the 15 page summary in English (which I just read and found most stimulating).of his dissertation.

I first became familiar with second (and third) order semiotics through the work of Bruce Buchanan:
which then took me to so much of the work of theorists which I see Brier attempting to develop and integrate in his own work of the last several years , the most important of several theoretical threads (including cybernetics, biosemiiotics, an expansion of Maturana and Varela's autopoetic theory, a semiotic version of van Uexkull's Umwelt, Wittgenstein's language games developed by Brier as "sign games," :Lakoff & Johnson's cognitive semantics, But perhaps especially Peirce's triadic semeiotic) which taken together (along with much else, I think) might eventually evolve into the cybersemiotics of his title or something like it, to me a most interesting abduction and indeed a desideratum as I see it.

I hope to be discussing these ideas with you and others on the list in the near future.


Gary Richmond

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