Joseph and list,

I have to correct you about the photocopies, David. Any photocopies that bear the stamped numbers you describe derive from a (paper) photocopy of the manuscripts which was made independently of the Robin microfilms and any
photocopies derived from \it.

Sorry about the mistake, you are absolutely right. I just wanted to stress the fact that these photocopies bear markings not found on the originals (the "Brown" and "all in red ink except as noted" etc. are in K. Ketner's hand, for instance, not Peirce's).

I agree with what you say about the situation at the Harvard Library, but it may be possible to bypass the problems there by not depending upon any new
scanning of the originals except for a few especially problematic
manuscripts. It is not clear to me whether your comment that "The easiest
access to Peirce's papers is of course to work directly from the Robin
microfilms" is intended o bear upon that or not.

Do you mean the photocopies should be the source for the digital scanning? I think it would be immensely better, technically speaking, to do the scanning from the microfilms using a digital viewer/scanner. The problem is that the films (and the MSS) belong to Harvard, surely there would need to be some sort of agreement with them. In any case it would obviously be more practical not to have to scan from the originals.


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