Joe, Wilfred
I had a quick squizz at MS 403, and agree that it could be quite an important document in getting an idea of the combined continuity and growth of Peirce's thought.  Thanks for doing this:  I am at this moment taking a break from preparing an article on the contributions to social inquiry that Peirce's philosophical, semeiotic, and logical possible inquiries make possible, and this document (even if I don't cite it directly) does seem to clarify ways of showing reader only partly familiar with Peirce that he is definitely worth the further effort in the reading.
BTW:  the article in question is for a relatively new journal, _The Journal of Multicultural Discourses_, based at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.  An earlier version by Keyan Tomaselli and I was sent back with a referee's request that the article say less about what Africans purportedly think about GW Bush's America, and a lot more about Peirce.  I have been giving this a full go for the last week, and expect to be busy for another week or two yet:  anybody who wants more Peirce, can have as much as I can give, and whatever else they can get from all the resources!!  Hence the rather peculiarly personal relevance of your posting MS 403 to Arisbe, because this is a source I can pass on as part of the article's review of the change in peirce Scholarship resources as a result of the Internet.
I had asked the journal's editor whether his university had had any contact with Charls Pearson's project, but haven't had a respone yet.
Arnold Shepperson
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