John and Gary:

As you suggested, Gary, I have made the paper by Arnold  on safety and the logic of hazard -- which is an application of Peirce's economy of research -- available at  ARISBE,  on the page for Peirce-related  papers. The URL for that is:

I discovered, though, that the link for the paper he did with Tomaselli, on cinematic consciousness., does not work, apparently because it is on a page on the website for the Journal of South African and American Studies called Safundi that has restricted access: the link merely leads to the home page of that journal (which looks like an excellent journal, by the way).  I wonder if John, or somebody who knows Keyan Tomaselli could find out about making that available without restriction somehow.  I could mount a copy of it at ARISBE, for example, or it could appear on somebody else's website to which I am given a URL that I can use.  

Arnold  also did a transcription of a Peirce MS which I have a copy of .  I don't know what plans he had for that but I am sure he would like to make it generally available.   I forget the number of the MS at the moment but I can find the transcription, I am sure, and will mount that on the web page for Peirce's own work after checking it over to see if it needs any tweaking.  I will be pleased to post anything else which he did which anyone thinks he would like to see made generally available in this way.

Joe Ransdell


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