On 14 maj 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi Martin,
> about the bug I reported with the
> PelIfd::IFD0
> Have you updated it in CVS? I don't see any files where the age if
> newer then 2 Months.

It has been added to CVS -- I guess you ran into the usual problem of
seeing old files because the CVS server for anonymous access is behind
the one for developer access.

I'm about to on a trip for a week, but when I get back home I'll
convert the repository to Subversion, which I find to be much nicer
than CVS. It's very similar so people should have a minimal trouble
switching, it's just nicer from a developers perspective.

And with SVN the anononymous users see the updates in real-time.

Martin Geisler                                     GnuPG Key: 0x7E45DD38

PHP Exif Library      |  PHP Weather             |  PHP Shell
http://pel.sf.net/    |  http://phpweather.net/  |  http://mgeisler.net/
Read/write Exif data  |  Show current weather    |  A shell in a browser

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