Answer Key

Section 1 - Applied Navigation, STCW Code, Sections A-II/1 & A-II/2

1. b

2. c

3. a

4. b

5. b

Section 2 - Principles of Navigation, Electronic Navigation Systems, and Instruments, STCW 

Code, Sections A-II/1 & A-II/2

1. c

2. d

3. c

4. c

5. b

Section 3 - Regulations and Ship's Business, STCW Code, Sections A-II/1 & A-II/2

1. a

2. d

3. b

4. a

5. a

Section 4 - Stability and Cargo Operations, STCW Code, Sections A-II/1 & A-II/2

1. c

2. c

3. a

4. d

5. b

Section 5 - Applied Physical Science and Engineering, STCW Code, Sections A-II/1 & A-II/2

1. a

2. a

3. b

4. d

5. d

Section 6 - Watchstanding, STCW Code, Sections A-II/1 & A-II/2

1. d

2. d

3. c

4. a

5. b

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From: b budiman <>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 14:38:02 -0700 (PDT)
To: milis pelaut<>
Subject: [pelaut] Pengen cepet punya CoC -?: Ambil CoC Liberia di Spore


1.0 Applied Navigation, STCW Code, Sections A-II/1 & A-II/2

 . 1 At what time on the rising afternoon tide on 4 January will there be a height of tide of 11 feet at 
a. 1728
b. 1837
c. 1802
d. 1901

 . 2 Find the true altitude of the sun's center if, on the 15th of September, the sextant altitude of the 
lower limb is 35°18'.0. IE is 2'.5 off the arc. Height of eye is 12.6m (41.5ft).
a. 35°23'.9
b. 35°41'.1
c. 35°28'.9
d. 35°29'.1

 . 3 On 5 September during morning twilight, Polaris has a true altitude of 41°03'.0 for an observer 
in DR 40°30'n, 40°15'W. The chronometer showed 7h02m03s(2m55s slow in GMT). Find 
the observer's latitude.
a. 40°16'.7n
b. 40°16'.4n
c. 41°16'.7n
d. 41°16'.5n

 . 4 In DR 48°00'N, 40°15'W, an observation of the sun bearing 110°T gave an intercept of 10'.8 
towards. If this observation had been computed by the longitude method, what longitude 
would have been obtained?
a. 40°03'.5W
b. 39°57'.8W
c. 40°04'.2W
d. 39°58'.9WRLM-319 15 Rev 1/00

 . 5 What is the initial great circle course from 41°07'N, 125° 10'W to 21°20'N, 157°15'W?
a. 304°
b. 236°
c. 272°
d. 226°

2.0 Principles of Navigation, STCW Code, Sections A-II/1 & A-II/2

 . 1 The altitude of a heavenly body is measured in which system of coordinates?
a. The terrestrial system.
b. The equatorial system.
c. The celestial system.
d. The horizon system.

 . 2 The effect of atmospheric refraction on the observed height of a body at a very low (normally 
less than 10°) altitude is such that additional corrections for temperature need to be applied to
a. sun.
b. sun and moon.
c. sun, moon, and planets.
d. all bodies.

 . 3 An RDF bearing may be obtained by listening to the loudness of the signal. The "aural null" (no
sound) is normally used. Why?
a. IMO/government specifications require manufacturers to use this convention.
b. The human ear is more sensitive to change in low intensity sound.
c. The rate of signal change is greater near the aural null.
d. Use of the "aural null" resolves the ambiguity of the reciprocal bearing.

 . 4 Your vessel is heading east by compass. If the vertical component of the ship's magnetism is 
not fully compensated for by the heeling error magnets, and there exists a residual blue pole
below the compass, what would be the effect at the compass position when the vessel is heeled 
to starboard?
a. Reduced directive force.
b. Easterly deviation.RLM-319 16 Rev 1/00
c. Increased directive force.
d. Westerly deviation.

 . 5 Omega error tables compiled for each transmitting station in the system, allow for
a. The shape of the earth.
b. The height of the ionospheric reflection layer.
c. The height of the receiving aerial.
d. Polar cap absorptions.

3.0 Regulations and Ship's Business, STCW Code, Sections A-II/1 & A-II/2

 . 1 A minesweeper engaged in sweeping, in addition to the lights prescribed for a power-driven 
vessel, exhibits
a. three all-round green lights - one on the foremast head and one on each end of the 
b. three all-round yellow lights - one on the foremast head and one on each end of the 
c. three all-round lights in a vertical line, the top and bottom white and the middle one red, 
displayed in place of the masthead lights.
d. one green all-round light, placed well forward in the vessel.

 . 2 You see the masthead light and both sidelights of a small power driven vessel 45°on your 
starboard bow, 4 miles distant. You should
a. slow down.
b. alter course to port.
c. alter course to starboard.
d. keep your course and speed.

 . 3 The operation of Liberian-registered vessels is governed at all times and places by 
a. the national law of the master and crew.
b. the General Maritime Law of the Republic of Liberia.
c. the American General Maritime Law.
d. the law of the port country, if the ship is in port, and the General Maritime Law of the 
Republic of Liberia when the ship is in international waters.

 . 4 The term "height above the hull" means the height above
a. the uppermost continuous deck.RLM-319 17 Rev 1/00
b. the main deck.
c. the summer load line.
d. the highest water-tight deck.

 . 5 How often should the line throwing equipment be demonstrated to the crew on a Liberian ship?
a. Every three months.
b. Every voyage.
c. Monthly.
d. Weekly.

4.0 Stability and Cargo Operations, STCW CODE, SECTION A-II/1 & A-II/2

 . 1 Your vessel's deadweight capacity at load displacement is 12,500 tons (12,500 tonnes). Fuel, 
water and stores total 2,000 tons (2,000 tonnes). If the vessel has a usable cubic capacity of 
500,000 cu ft (60,000m3
), what is the stowage factor that will bring her down to her marks?
a. 34.5ft3
b. 40.0ft3
c. 47.6ft3
d. 42.8ft3

 . 2 If a liquid chemical cargo is liable to polymerise during carriage, what treatment does it normally 
a. It is continuously recirculated during the voyage.
b. It is kept at a temperature above 38°C (100°F).
c. An inhibitor is added to it.
d. It is loaded at 10° - 15°C (55°-65°F) and carried in insulated tanks.

 . 3 In the cross curve of stability shown, what number indicates the maximum righting arm?
a. 4
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3RLM-319 18 Rev 1/00

 . 4 You are loading a full cargo of packaged timber. What stability calculations must you make?
a. The GZ for sailing and arrival conditions.
b. The GM for the sailing and arrival conditions.
c. The GM for the arrival condition, allowing for possible water absorption by the cargo.
d. A full stability condition, showing the minimum stability criteria which will be 
maintained throughout the voyage.

 . 5 You are planning the loading of a ro-ro. Where should you locate vehicles containing hanging 
loads (such as chilled meat)?
a. Along the sides of the vehicle decks.
b. Amidships and inboard, on the lower vehicle deck.
c. On the upper vehicle deck, at the ends of the ship.
d. Distributed evenly among the other vehicles.

5.0 Applied Physical Science and Engineering, STCW Code, Sections A-II/1 & A-II/2

 . 1 An anemometer on board a vessel steering 360°T at 20kts records a 20kt wind from the 
direction of the port beam. What is the approximate true wind speed and direction?
a. 28kts, SW
b. 28kts, NW
c. 20kts, W
d. 14kts, NW

 . 2 You are in 35°S. A cyclonic storm is nearby. The wind is NNW. What is the direction of the 
storm center?
a. SW
b. SSE
c. E
d. W

 . 3 How long can a main propulsion diesel engine be kept on instant "stand by" condition?RLM-319 19 Rev 1/00
a. 12 hours, depending on the total power.
b. 3 hours, maximum.
c. indefinitely.
d. 24 hours, depending on the total power.

 . 4 When a tide in a channel is described as behaving like a progressive wave, the maximum flood 
velocity will occur about the time of
a. mean level on the falling tide.
b. low water.
c. mean level on the rising tide.
d. high water.

 . 5 What metal is often found aboard ship in the form of a thin coating, designed to protect metal 
fittings from corrosion?
a. Muntz metal.
b. Tin.
c. Chrome.
d. Zinc.

6.0 Watchstanding, STCW Code, Section A-II/1 & A-II/2

 . 1 What type of light is attached to the life ring buoys on a tanker?
a. A light powered by two D cells.
b. A chemically-powered light, such as a cyalume stick.
c. A light powered by a nife battery.
d. A light powered by a seawater-activated battery.

 . 2 How would the time 1850 GMT be expressed, using international code flags?
a. 1850Z
b. T1850
c. 1850T
d. Z1850

 . 3 What knots would you use to secure a bosun's chair?
a. A stage hitch and a lowering hitch.RLM-319 20 Rev 1/00
b. A double sheet bend and a lowering hitch.
c. A clove hitch and two round turns.
d. A sheet bend and two half-hitches.

 . 4 What is the best search pattern for a single ship to employ if the datum of the target is not 
known within close limits?
a. Expanding square.
b. Sector.
c. Parallel track.
d. Spiral.

 . 5 What are the general effects of hydrodynamic interaction between vessels?
a. Increased squat.
b. Sinkage and change of trim.
c. Increased drag.
d. Decreased rudder effectiveness.RLM-319 21 Rev 1/00


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