Seems to me that conventional wisdoms in the academy can have a way of
producing entrenched vested interests (indeed sometimes representing
interests from the off), institutional stasis, and hostility to heterodoxy,
too.  That said, John didn't capture the list's interest, and need not
the worst for that.  Some of us just didn't catch what he was throwing.
to throw it again and again is to risk being charged with using mailing
as advertising media ...

Sorry hit the send button too soon on previous post.
Since you have decided I am an enemy for your stramge left, I will get a few
last remarks in before getting unsubbed by old Michael. It didn't have to be
that way. You seem to find me some kooky new ager. That's your problem.  As
usual I am a deviationist according to fashionable left bullshit. You are all
about to get Fukuyama sublimated. Goodbye to you. Good luck with your

Reading Blaut's Eight Eurocentric Historians made me realize just how
vulnerable the whole spectrum of theories here is. I am sorry Blaut was so
servere, his analyis is itself flawed.  But all these theories are toast, and
they are left with the Big Question,
Why couldn't finish Capital?
Try to sleep on it. Try. NoDoz./

To the charge of spam, let me note listmembers were offered a free e-text of
the material in question.
Three posts, fairly long, do not constitute spam.

Critics of Darwin have few opportunities. I expressed my gratitude for  being
able to posting three pieces at the end of my presentation, woefully

I think you ought to be scared of my 'eonic argument'.  In any case, I have
never met anyone who could actually present a counter argument.

The 'eonic' series was reposted on five servers, in case you hope to delete
it from the archives.
It constitutes a basis for a post-Darwinian historical methodology.

John Landon
World History and the Eonic Effect

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