> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Rod Hay
> If we have a site where anyone can log in and amend the outline. We will
> soon end up with a unrecognizable hodgepodge. I say we go with the one
> we have now. Appoint an editorial committee. Have that committee approve
> changes. Assign sections to volunteers and proceed from there.

I might suggest that in addition to an editorial committee controlling the
main text, it would be useful to have a web-based message board with threads
corresponding to each section of the text.  This would allow discussion and
sub-threads for different sections-- with the editorial board compiling the
best suggestions and incorporating alternative views of the topics in light
of the discussion.

This could be done through the archiving software used at CSF for example,
which allows display of messages by thread topic, although it might not
handle subthreads as well as other message board software.  There is message
board software out there, a decent one by O'Reilley that carries a small
charge however, but there is probably freeware that would do the job as

--  Nathan Newman

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