(Hi All,The latest on labor matters at Pacifica. Seth Sandronsky)

Journalists Threaten Strike To Fight Censorship at

January 24, 2000 -- Pacifica Radio's top free-lance
reporters and contributors today say they are prepared
to strike Pacifica's national news program to protest
on-going censorship at the 50-year-old
community-radio network.

The dozens of journalists from across the Americas, Europe and
Asia, many of whom have won the industry's top awards, are
calling on Mary Frances Berry, who chairs both the U.S. Civil
Rights Commission and the Pacifica Foundation, to publicly
renounce censorship throughout the network, and to reassert the
editorial independence of Pacifica's local and national-news
divisions. Should management not meet the demands sent today,
the stringers say the 3-month strike will begin on January 31, 2000
at 12:00 p.m. Pacific time.

The striking journalists comprise a majority of active contributors
and reporters to Pacifica Network News--PNN--a daily, half-hour
news program that airs on some 70 radio stations nationally. In a
recent two-month period, nearly 70% of Pacifica's stories came
from its stringers.

Virtually the entire news staff of the network's flagship Berkeley
station, KPFA, and its New York station, WBAI, are supporting the
action. Strikers say this action in no way targets the local news
divisions of the network's five sister stations.

A letter outlining the group's demands was sent to Pacifica's
management today.

"Censorship puts the credibility of the Pacifica Network at risk,"
said 6-year PNN contributor Robin Urevich from her home in Los
Angeles. "Pacifica has built its 50-year reputation on consistently
challenging the Establishment, by not bowing to the political
agendas of corporate sponsors and by its producers and reporters
functioning free of interference from management. This freedom is
now under attack," Urevich added.

Pacifica has long been a bastion of free speech--from broadcasting
Alan Ginsberg's "Howl," to defying the HUAC witch hunts, to airing
the commentaries of death-row journalist Mumia Abu Jamal. Since
the crisis last spring, when armed guards were called in to lock out
staff at KPFA, Pacifica reporters say management has subjected
journalists, contributors and independent producers to repeated
acts of alteration, suppression and censorship of news stories and
public-affairs programming, which they say are of vital interest to
the listeners of Pacifica and the broader communities it serves.
Reporters also note that management has repeatedly silenced
programs in mid-broadcast, and ousted signature voices such as
Polk award-winner Larry Bensky.

In November, Pacifica Network News director Dan Coughlin was
"removed" after airing a story detailing a boycott by sixteen
Pacifica affiliates over the issue of censorship. Most recently,
veteran news anchor Verna Avery-Brown, the only African-
American national-news anchor in public broadcasting, resigned
amidst the crisis at PNN. Brown cited, among other concerns,
censorship and a disturbing trend away from progressive coverage
in Pacifica's national news. The strikers are also demanding that
Coughlin be reinstated. (Here are a group of letters and reports
about Coughlin's removal).

"We believe Pacifica management seeks to intimidate and censor
those who try to report on matters that management prefers to
keep quiet," said PNN contributor Aaron Glantz from his base in
Berkeley. "One result is that the independence of news production
is now seriously under threat," Glantz added.

For more information, contact Pacifica Reporters Fighting
Censorship, (212) 439-8087 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Addendum:  From http://www.savepacifica.net/strike/
Strike Fund

If you wish to support us financially, please make contributions
payable to Friends of Free Speech Radio, and mail to: "Free-
lancers' Strike Fund," c/o Friends of Free Speech Radio, 905
Parker St., Berkeley, CA 94710.

If we do have to strike, many reporters will be putting their
livelihoods on line. Depending on our fundraising success, we hope
to be able to make strike payments to PNN freelancers who have
signed onto the strike. ----------------------------


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